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Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 2:17am

Captain Elena Navarra

Name Elena Raquel Navarra

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 135
Hair Color Black and Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Elena is a Spanish/black mix woman with a slender build and long black crinkly hair.

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 43


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jonas Naverra
Mother Noelia Sevilla
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Elena Navarra is an even-keeled personality person. She can be whatever type of person a situation calls for.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strong Willed
+High Intelligence
+Calm and Patient

-Can be too hands-on
-Holds everyone to her high standard
-Can sometimes see the worst in people at all times
- Hates Mayo
Ambitions Although Elena has climbed the ranks of Starfleet to the rank of Captain, she is not intentionally trying to go up at this moment. The mission is what matters to her.
Hobbies & Interests Elena has a passion for Broadway shows along with reading and taking part in debates.
She is an avid poker player and likes to participate in the ship's poker matches.

Personal History Elena Navarra was born in Spanish Harlem, NY, to Noelia y Sevilla and Jonas Navarra in 2353. Her parents were both diplomats for the Federation Diplomatic Corp and spent the majority of Elena’s youth traveling the galaxy with her in tow. It was during this time that Elena found she had a knack for learning various languages and would accompany her parents to their diplomatic sessions, and even assist them in some instances. Elena loved the work of helping people through the power of words, but from the lands she visited, it was not lost on her that words were not the language all embraced or understood. Elena learned that sometimes action needed to be taken in place of words.

At the age of 17, Elena entered Starfleet Academy and concentrated on the Command school with a focus on Negotiations, Hostile Species (advanced training in tactics for dealing with hostile species), and Non-Traditional Situations. This course provided advanced training in how to deal with non-traditional situations on a starship or base. One example would be dealing with Pre-Warp cultures, should the Prime Directive somehow be compromised.

After finishing at the Academy, Elena was posted on the U.S.S Potemkin where she specialized in first-contact scenarios with the Federation Diplomatic Corp. On her third first contact mission on the planet Antica in the Beta Renner system, Elena was taken hostage along with her fellow diplomats when the Antican king decided that she would be better suited as a wife in the Kings' Harem than as a diplomat. The king hastily married Elena making her his first and sent her back to the Harem in preparation for their wedding night. At that time, Elena garnered the trust of the other women in the harem and using her words of persuasion talked them into revolting. During that revolt, the king was killed. An investigation was held and the Starfleet JAG office charged Elena with violating the Prime Directive. During her trial, Elena stated that there was no violation because she was made an official Antican citizen in the marriage ceremony to the former king. When Starfleet JAG spoke with the new King of Antica, he confirmed that Elena was a full-fledged citizen of Antica, even if it was against her will. The new king then stated that he still wanted first-contact negotiations to continue. Elena then suggested that she be the one to carry forth the negotiations since she was a citizen and had already started the process. Elena was able to bring the Anticans into the Federation as a member of the royal family and diplomat. It was this situation that garnered her the nickname the widow or widow maker.

Impressed with her poise and sense of negotiation tactics and insight, Starfleet Command dismissed all charges against Elena and promoted her to the rank of Lieutenant. It wasn’t long before Elena was thrust through the ranks to take on more challenging negotiations until she reached the rank of Commander. She was then shipped to various sectors to help negotiate peace treaties for various worlds that have built the Federation into the strong organization that it is today.

Service Record Name: Elena Navara
Rank: Captain
Service Number: ST-3487-81

Service History:

Enlisted in Starfleet Academy: 2370
Graduated from Starfleet Academy: 2374
Assigned to USS Potemkin as Ensign: 2374-2376
Promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade): 2377
Transferred to Starbase 12 as Diplomatic Officer: 2377-2380
Promoted to Lieutenant: 2381
Completed Advanced Diplomatic Training: 2381-2383
Assigned to USS Constitution as Diplomatic Officer: 2383-2386
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander: 2387
Transferred to Starfleet Command as Diplomatic Advisor: 2387-2390
Promoted to Commander: 2391
Appointed Executive Officer of USS Kakshi: 2391-2395
Promoted to Captain: 2396
Assigned as Commanding Officer of Starbase 109: 2396
Commanding Officer of USS Samurai: 2396-present

Notable Achievements:

Mediated a successful peace treaty between two warring species in the Alpha Quadrant, earning the Starfleet Diplomatic Service Ribbon (2403)
Led a relief mission to a planet devastated by a natural disaster, coordinating humanitarian efforts and providing aid to the affected population, earning the Starfleet Humanitarian Service Medal (2407)
Oversaw the successful first contact mission with a previously unknown species in the Delta Quadrant, establishing peaceful relations and initiating a cultural exchange program, earning the Starfleet First Contact Ribbon (2415)
Spearheaded a joint Federation-Klingon initiative to combat piracy in the Beta Quadrant, leading to a significant reduction in pirate activities and fostering cooperation between the two powers, earning the Federation-Klingon Cooperation Medal (2419)

Captain Elena Navara is a highly respected and esteemed diplomat in Starfleet, known for her exceptional leadership skills, diplomatic acumen, and commitment to the principles of the United Federation of Planets. She has consistently demonstrated her ability to navigate complex political situations and forge alliances, making her a valuable asset to Starfleet and the Federation.