
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 11:23pm

Podkayne Mars

Name Podkayne Mars

Position Bridge Crew

Second Position Bridge Crew

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8" (1.7 m)
Weight 150 (68 kg)
Hair Color dark
Eye Color Amber-green
Physical Description Fairly tall, long hair, youthful looking, Podkayne is an excellent physical specimen of the android type.

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Humaniform
Age 2.5 years


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father NA
Mother NA
Brother(s) Daneel Olivaw, Hari Seldon, Elijah Baley, Arkady Darrell

Sister(s) Gladia Delmarre
Other Family Created construct

Personality & Traits

General Overview Podkayne's physical age appears to be 18-20. She's in good physical condition, being an android-type of humaniform. She appears to be of Hispanic origin, but that's the body they made for her. She dresses with a flair, is sometimes serious, often not. She likes cherry pie with cream, and pizza with pepperoni and pineapple and sweet onion.
Strengths & Weaknesses +learns quickly
+sense of humor

-obsessive about getting things right
Ambitions At the moment, all of Podkayne's ambitions revolve around becoming more informed and more knowledgeable. At some point in the future, she may make individual choices, but her programming will always limit her. Starfleet didn't give her more than a positronic brain and the ability to grow into a sentient species is not hers.

All the humaniforms have a way of conversing privately with one another, possibly through the main computer's interface that they can all access. They often appear to make decisions together, pulling them out of thin air.

Personal History Being developed, as she is so young in real time.
Service Record Online: 2394
Transfer to SB109: 2395
Transfer to WV Nomad: 2396