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Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 8:18am

Ensign Tristi Alohalani

Name Tristi Rochelle Alohalani

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 136 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Tristi is curvaceous and slightly plump. She likes to swim and walk along the beach, but her genetic makeup makes it almost impossible for her to be skinny. She has accepted her lot in life and makes the most of her assets.

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Kanaka Maoli
Age 24


Father Tafalo
Mother Mahana
Brother(s) Kehen, Tahano, Mafalo
Sister(s) Tina, Falin
Other Family Tristi comes from a large family. Kanaka Maoli people are all related, if you go back far enough.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tristi is warm and friendly. She is almost always smiling and she loves to laugh. She doesn't spend a lot of time worrying as her people feel that it does no good. You can't change what is, so why worry about it?
Strengths & Weaknesses Cheerful, positive, upbeat. Tristi is a hard worker who cares about people.
Sometimes her casual attitude leads her to not take things as seriously as she should.
Ambitions To be happy, enjoy her job and one day settle down and raise a large family.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, walking on the beach, luaus/parties, cooking, horseback riding.
Tristi knows how to perform a number of Polynesian/Maoli dances. She sings and plays the banjo.

Personal History I'll fill this out later.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Botanist, general science, USS Samurai