
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Tue Nov 14th, 2023 @ 7:17pm

Kyle Schaffer

Name Kyle Jason Schaffer

Position Chief of Police

Physical Appearance

Height 6’0”
Weight 175 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Kyle has a deceptively imposing build for his height and weight with his short, blonde hair and dark green eyes. Usually clean shaven.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28


Spouse None
Children None
Father John Schaffer
Mother Erin Schaffer
Brother(s) Brian Schaffer (Younger)
Sister(s) Tiffany Schaffer (Older)
Other Family Grandparents, various aunts/uncles, cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kyle is known as even tempered and reserved. He’s respected by peers and friends he’s made over the years but rarely seeks out social interactions and is considered an introvert.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Loyalty
+Excellent engineer/problem solver

-Rarely goes beyond surface level relationships
Ambitions Kyle originally wanted to join Starfleet but instead chose to be a non-commissioned officer to expedite his chance to explore space and help people doing what he does best.
Hobbies & Interests Kyle enjoys, or will at least listen to, almost all types of music. Enjoys playing poker and is an avid reader.

Personal History Kyle was born in northeastern North America as the middle child in between an older sister and younger brother. His parents were both civilian engineers that assisted in the New Atlantis Project. While his older sister joined Starfleet and his younger brother chose to be a diplomat, Kyle chose the stereotypical mild child approach and chose the path of engineering in his parents’ footsteps. At a young age, he showed an aptitude for the subject and began reading his parents’ journals on their project.

His parents were supportive of his interest in engineering and were eager to have him shadow their more recent assignments when he was old enough. It was during those where Kyle learned and observed the ability to think on the fly and adapt to the situation around you. He also learned that sometimes what many people consider to be the best solution to a problem may not be the case.

At some coaxing from his sister, he applied to Starfleet but chose not to enlist in the hopes of exploring quicker. In truth, he never really was interested in the Academy or spending years in a classroom. He was assigned to the USS Shran where he served for 3 years as a petty officer in the engineering division.

He enjoyed the work of having a new challenge almost every mission they went on and formed a core group of friendships with starfleet and non-starfleet alike. He worked his way up the non-commission ladder to leading a small group of engineers that were depended upon by the command crew, something in which Kyle took pride in.

During one mission on the edges of Federation space, Kyle and his team were assigned to observe/support a Romulan resettlement effort. It was explained to Starfleet that due to the limited resources, the settlement could not support all who lived there resulting in poverty and unthinkable conditions for part of the population. Kyle and his team found that in fact the planet had enough resources for the population, however the settlement seemed inherently designed to only support specific families.

It was this situation where Kyle found the limitations Starfleet. After repeated pleas to his CO, Starfleet’s response was only to assist in finalizing the layout dictated by the Romulans and do nothing else. When it became clear the leadership of the new settlement was interested in establishing a community solely to serve individuals deemed worthy, Kyle developed an engineered solution to provide a more equitable approach but was again shut down due to practicality concerns. Kyle’s stubbornness won out and he implemented his plan despite explicit orders against it.

The design worked, however as he found out, engineering isn’t the full picture. Unbeknownst to him, and many others on the Shran, the leadership of the new settlement happened to be full of ex-Romulan intelligence officers. Assuming the Federation came under a false flag to undermine their new colony, Kyle found himself embroiled in a diplomatic controversy he was not prepared for. He was quickly reassigned and sent back to Earth. On his way back, he was approached by an individual he later came to know as Isabella Perry who presented him with an opportunity to do what he does best with no political gamesmanship. Despite not alerting his family to his change of plans, it was an opportunity Kyle did not pass up.