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Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 1:01am

Harina True

Name Harina Maximillia True

Position Doctor

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8" (1.7 m)
Weight 140 lb. (63.5 kg)
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Dr. True is a middle-aged Russian woman with a warm and caring demeanor. She is average height, and her brown eyes twinkle with kindness and intelligence, reflecting her passion for her profession. Harina's brown hair, streaked with a few strands of gray, is usually tied back neatly in a bun, allowing her to focus on her work without distractions.

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 46


Spouse Samuel True (cousin)
Children Fannie True, 8
Regina True, 15
Nye True, 18
Father John H. True
Mother Rebecca S. Schieb
Brother(s) Nathan True
Sister(s) Debra K. True

Personality & Traits

General Overview Harina True comes from a close-knit family of serious people, often involved in social positions such as doctor, teacher, nurse, or public servant. Harina chose to pursue medicine and is a nurse practitioner.

Dr. True is a striking woman with brown eyes that are sharp and observant, hinting at her keen attention to detail. Harina's brown hair is usually tied back in a neat bun, allowing her to focus on her work without any distractions. She wears a white lab coat over her professional attire, consisting of tailored blouses, dark pants, and comfortable yet stylish heels. She has a slender figure, of average height, and carries herself with grace and confidence. She has a small tattoo of a stethoscope on her wrist as a symbol of her dedication to medicine.
Strengths & Weaknesses Harina's strengths lie in her exceptional medical knowledge and her ability to connect with her patients. Her dedication to her profession drives her to constantly improve and learn new techniques. She has a keen eye for detail and is known for her precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans. Her Russian background gives her a unique perspective on healthcare, allowing her to approach situations with a different cultural lens.

+excellent student and knowledgeable about medicine
+serious, but also flexible

Despite her many strengths, Dr. True's adventurous nature sometimes leads her to take risks that others might consider unnecessary or reckless. She can be stubborn at times, unwilling to back down from a challenge even when it might be wiser to do so. Additionally, her strong emotional attachment to her patients can sometimes cloud her judgment, making it difficult for her to make tough decisions.

- prone to intuitive leaps, admittedly often correct, but without proper consideration
- less confident than one would expect given her background
Ambitions Dr. Harina True is serious and determined when it comes to her work, always striving for excellence. However, beneath her professional exterior, she possesses a charming and warm personality that endears her to both children and adults. She has a natural ability to put people at ease with her kind and empathetic nature.

Harina is highly intelligent, resourceful, and adaptable, always seeking new knowledge and pushing the boundaries of her abilities. Dr. True would like to continue medical education in the field of pediatrics.
Hobbies & Interests cooking and canning, using old methods from area of earth known as Russia - family recipes

playing the balalaika, an ancient instrument of her family and Russian background

Personal History Born into a Russian family with a long history of medical professionals, Harina grew up in a household that valued education and hard work. Her parents, both doctors, instilled in her a deep appreciation for medicine and the importance of helping others. She was surrounded by stories of her ancestors' dedication to healing and saving lives. Inspired by their legacy, she pursued a career in medicine, specializing in pediatrics.

From a young age, True knew she wanted to make a difference in people's lives through healthcare. After completing her nursing degree, she worked diligently to become a nurse practitioner, specializing in pediatrics. Although she passed the Academy testing on her third try, Dr. True decided not to go into Starfleet Medical, but to pursue civilian pathways for her career.

After completing her education, she moved to a bustling metropolis where she met her husband and started a family of her own. Driven by her passion for helping children, she became a renowned pediatric nurse practitioner, always striving to provide the best care possible.

Her reputation caught the attention of a secret Starfleet agency, who recruited her for a top-secret mission involving the use of advanced medical technology to save lives in extraordinary circumstances. Those pathways still took her to the stars, and she later wound up with her husband and children on ?????, looking for a place to practice a slower-paced medical option.

She dreams of becoming a pediatrician and is currently studying to pursue her dream. Harina's determination and passion for her work drive her forward, fueling her ambition to become the best pediatrician she can be.
Service Record At the current end of the 24th century, being in her mid-forties is quite young for a professional. Harina's children are maturing, her husband has interests of his own, and they are all happily pursuing life as a family.

A series of interesting events have brought them to this edge of the galaxy to a village which is looking for additional medical help, as it grows slowly but steadily. There is already one doctor and a nurse who works with him, but plenty of work for Harina and her desire to work with children.