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Sat Sep 9th, 2023 @ 1:15am

Antony Lockwood

Name Antony Lockwood

Position Real Estate Broker

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Bro
Physical Description Anotony is a broad shouldered black male. When you look at him, you can tell that he was one in great athletic shape. Antony has a white beard and a eye patch covering his left eye.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 60


Spouse None
Children None
Father Dominic Lockwood
Mother Helen Lockwood
Brother(s) Thomas Lockwood
Sister(s) Loretta Lockwood

Personality & Traits

General Overview Antony Lockwood is a distinguished 60-year-old African American man with a commanding presence. Despite his age, he maintains a well-toned and athletic build that reflects his active lifestyle. His bald head and well-kept white beard give him an air of wisdom and experience. The eye patch over his left eye adds an aura of mystery, hinting at a past filled with adventures and challenges. Antony exudes confidence and charisma, making it easy for him to connect with people from all walks of life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Resilient Leadership: Antony Lockwood possesses a remarkable ability to lead in challenging situations. His resilience under pressure and capacity to remain composed inspire those around him, fostering a sense of trust and confidence among his peers.

Ingenious Problem-Solving: Lockwood's mind is a wellspring of inventive solutions. He approaches complex problems with a combination of analytical thinking and creative insight, often finding unique ways to overcome obstacles that others might overlook.

Adaptability: Lockwood's versatility shines as he navigates diverse environments and unfamiliar territories. Whether it's adapting to new technology, different cultures, or rapidly changing circumstances, his adaptable nature allows him to excel in dynamic settings.

Mentorship and Guidance: With his wealth of experience, Lockwood has a natural inclination for mentoring and guiding those around him. His patient and approachable demeanor creates an environment where individuals feel empowered to learn and grow under his tutelage.

Strategic Team Player: Lockwood understands the synergy of teamwork and excels in roles that require collaborative efforts. He strategically leverages the strengths of each team member, enhancing collective performance and achieving optimal outcomes.


Stubborn Self-Reliance: Lockwood's self-sufficiency can sometimes hinder his ability to delegate effectively. He may hesitate to rely on others when he believes he can handle a situation on his own, potentially missing out on valuable contributions from teammates.

Tendency to Overthink: His penchant for thorough analysis occasionally leads him to overthink situations. This can slow down decision-making processes, especially in rapidly evolving scenarios where quick choices are essential.

Challenge in Delegating Authority: While Lockwood is skilled at guiding and mentoring, he may find it challenging to delegate significant responsibilities to subordinates. This could stem from a desire to maintain control or concerns about the outcome.

Difficulty in Letting Go: Lockwood's emotional attachment to his experiences, particularly in spacefaring adventures, can make it hard for him to fully move on from certain events. This might impact his ability to embrace new chapters in his life.

Perfectionism: Lockwood's pursuit of excellence can sometimes veer into perfectionism. While this drive leads to high-quality results, it can also result in undue stress or an inability to accept outcomes that fall short of his exceptionally high standards.
Ambitions Write a Memoir: Antony Lockwood harbors a deep desire to capture the significant moments and lessons from his illustrious Starfleet career in the form of a memoir. He envisions sharing his experiences, challenges, triumphs, and the insights he's gained over the years with the hope of inspiring future generations to embrace exploration, resilience, and camaraderie.

Promote Interstellar Unity: Lockwood's passion for fostering cooperation and understanding among different species and cultures drives his ambition to work on interstellar diplomacy and collaboration initiatives. He aims to use his wealth of experience and insights gained from his spacefaring adventures to facilitate dialogue and build bridges between civilizations, ensuring a harmonious coexistence across the cosmos.

Establish an Academy of Exploration: Inspired by his own journey and the valuable mentorship he received, Lockwood envisions creating an academy dedicated to training aspiring explorers, engineers, and diplomats. This academy would emphasize not only technical skills but also the development of personal qualities like adaptability, leadership, and empathy. His goal is to prepare the next generation of spacefarers to navigate the challenges of the final frontier with both competence and humanity.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking and Nature: Antony has a deep appreciation for the natural world. He enjoys spending his free time hiking through the nearby forests and mountains, relishing the tranquility and beauty of nature.

Starship History: Despite living a down-to-earth life now, Antony has a keen interest in starship history and space exploration. He often reads about famous space missions and the explorations of distant galaxies.

Community Engagement: As a business owner and a well-respected member of the BrookHaven village, Antony actively participates in various community events and initiatives. He believes in fostering a strong sense of unity among the villagers.

Music: Antony has a passion for music, particularly jazz and blues. He plays the saxophone and enjoys attending local music festivals, occasionally even performing on stage.

Culinary Exploration: He's also an amateur chef, experimenting with different cuisines and flavors. Antony finds joy in preparing meals that bring people together.

Personal History Antony Lockwood's journey is one of contrasts, from daring spacefaring adventures to his current role as the proprietor of a realty business in BrookHaven. Born into a family of starship engineers, Antony grew up surrounded by tales of interstellar travel and exploration. His youthful dreams were filled with aspirations of joining the ranks of Starfleet.

In his early adulthood, Antony fulfilled his dreams and became a starship engineer. He was known for his skillful problem-solving and his unwavering dedication to his crewmates. However, tragedy struck during a mission gone awry, resulting in the loss of his left eye. Despite the setback, Antony pressed on, earning him a reputation for resilience and determination.

After several decades of service, Antony retired from Starfleet and returned to Earth, seeking a quieter life. He settled in the picturesque village of BrookHaven, nestled between rolling hills and serene landscapes. There, he established a successful realty business, utilizing his knack for understanding people's needs and desires. The eye patch he now wears serves as a reminder of his past while also piquing the curiosity of those he interacts with.

Despite leaving the stars behind, Antony's adventurous spirit remains intact. He finds solace in nature, often embarking on long hikes to reconnect with his inner self. His knowledge of starship history and his passion for music serve as threads that tie his diverse interests together, making him a multifaceted individual with a wealth of experiences to share.

As an integral part of the BrookHaven community, Antony Lockwood continues to inspire and uplift those around him, drawing on his unique blend of resilience, curiosity, and warmth.
Service Record Name: Antony Lockwood
Service Number: SF-567892
Rank: Lieutenant Commander (Retired)
Date of Birth: April 15, 2012
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, Earth

Service History:

Enlistment Date: March 2, 2030
Cadet Training: Starfleet Academy
Major: Engineering
Minor: Astrophysics
Promotion to Ensign: June 15, 2034
USS Pegasus (NCC-74582):
Position: Assistant Engineer
Date: September 2034 - January 2040
Promotion to Lieutenant (Junior Grade): January 15, 2040
USS Aegis (NCC-82674):
Position: Chief Engineer
Date: February 2040 - July 2050
Promotion to Lieutenant: August 2, 2045
USS Aegis (NCC-82674):
Position: Executive Officer
Date: July 2050 - December 2060
Promotion to Lieutenant Commander
USS Odyssey (NCC-92001):
Position: Chief Engineer

Notable Achievements and Awards:

Starfleet Medal of Valor : Awarded for bravery and exceptional leadership during a hazardous away mission on an uncharted planet.

Starfleet Engineering Excellence Award: Recognized for outstanding contributions to starship systems development and innovative problem-solving.

Starfleet Long Service Ribbon: Presented in honor of 30 years of dedicated service in Starfleet.

Starfleet Command Achievement Medal: Awarded for exemplary performance and resourcefulness during a critical mission to stabilize a collapsing star.