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Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 6:57pm

Lieutenant Thavishr Th’Firria

Name Thavishr Th’Firria

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Physical Appearance

Height 6’4”
Weight 170 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Thavishr is taller than the average Andorian, with short, white hair and dark brown eyes. He has a lanky frame with no facial hair.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 30


Spouse None
Children None
Father Thisoan th’Firria, Thelev ch'Dila
Mother Thani sh'Shane, Teesoan zh'Share
Brother(s) Thelen
Sister(s) Thelian

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thavishr has an extroverted personality. He tends to initiate conversations first if only to size up the individual as a threat or friend, however his tone is also soft and calculated. He thrives in a pressure situation and prefers action over waiting for a situation to unfold.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Analytical
+Tactical awareness
+Family oriented
-Always suspicious
Ambitions Advancement in Starfleet with a secondary interest in continuing his family line.
Hobbies & Interests Include sparring, sports, reading, and history (mainly famous battles)

Personal History Thavishr was born into a loving family as the youngest child of three. The Andorian customary parental group of four all were in the Andorian Imperial Guard. While him and his siblings shared the strong familiar bonds associated with the Andorian species, Thavishr focused on following in his parents footsteps of a military career while his siblings focused on forming families of their own. It was never a conflict between them, but Thavishr felt a level of judgment from both his brother and sister on that subject.

When he was old enough, he applied and joined the Imperial Guard with a focus on tactical analysis. He excelled in classes and training in both strategic and physical assessments. He also developed leadership skills that caught they eye of his instructors. As a result, he was shortlisted to be fast tracked through the Imperial Guard hierarchy. As Thavishr continued to progress, he found his options within the Guard to be limited and wanted a new challenge. He resigned from the Guard after 5 years.

To that end, he applied to Starfleet Academy albeit at an older age than most applicants. Despite his outgoing personality, his age made it harder to socialize with the rest of his class. This only furthered his motivation to excel at the Academy. Showing the same aptitude for tactical, he focused his studies in that area. He was accepted into the advanced tactical training program during his senior year at the Academy. Overall, he didn’t graduate at the top of his class, as his interest and resulting grades in other fields dropped, but graduated with honors in the field of tactical. The blemishes on his Academy resume didn’t bother him in the slightest as his primary goal was to progress through the security/tactical department in Starfleet. He could worry about rounding himself out later.

Service Record 2386 - Completed Imperial Guard Academy Training
2388 - Resigned commission from Imperial Guard and applied to Starfleet Academy; Accept for following enrollment year
2393 - Graduated Starfleet Academy with honors in Tactical
2393 - Assigned to USS Charleston, Ensign
2394 - Promoted to Lt. JG aboard USS Charleston
2396 - Transferred to USS Samurai, promoted to Lieutenant