
  • 6 Mission Posts

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Wed Aug 16th, 2023 @ 7:15am

Commander Henry Perry

Name Henry Arthur Perry

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Commander

Physical Appearance

Height 5'08
Weight 170
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Henry Perry is an athletic black male standing at 6'0 and 190 pounds with a close "Even Steven" hair cut with waves flowing in the hair. He also has a black goatee/mustache and an athletic/muscular build.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35


Spouse None
Children None
Father Brandon Perry
Mother Kennetta Perry
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Isabella Perry
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Henry Perry is known to have never met a stranger in his life. Perry is the life of any party and has a natural ability to make people trust him almost instantly. Being able to keep a calm and level head in any situation has made Perry a superb officer. Perry is also loyal to those he loves and respects and will always go above and beyond for those he calls friends. Perry always finds a way to be in the away team and usually has some new invention that he wants to try out while away from the ship.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Loyalty
+ Intelligent
+ Keen sense of Focus
+ Photographic Memory

Very Suspicious of others (Especially Newcomers and of their sincerity and intentions)
Ambitions Perry would like to go back to Utopia Planitia and help design a new flagship of the Federation and become that ship's Captain.
Hobbies & Interests Perry has a very broad taste in all music and loves all (except country). Perry also loves useless trivia. Any game of Taboo, or
trivia of any sort sparks his interest. Perry also keeps up with his friends from Utopia Planitia. They keep him informed of their latest discoveries and technology.

Personal History Henry Perry's journey in Starfleet began when he entered Starfleet Academy at the young age of 18. With a passion for engineering and a keen interest in technological advancement, Perry quickly distinguished himself among his peers. Throughout his tenure at the Academy, Perry's brilliance caught the attention of the engineers at Utopia Planitia, the renowned shipyard and design facility.

During his final year at the Academy, Perry was approached with a unique opportunity. He was offered a chance to forego the traditional starship assignment and instead join the prestigious design team at Utopia Planitia, working on top-secret weapons and ship designs for Starfleet. Recognizing the potential to contribute to groundbreaking advancements, Perry eagerly accepted the offer and reported directly to Utopia Planitia.

At Utopia Planitia, Perry's skills and dedication flourished as he became an integral part of the design process for future starships. His expertise and innovative ideas helped shape some of Starfleet's most powerful vessels, ensuring that they were equipped with advanced weapons and cutting-edge technologies.

After several years of working in the shipyard, Perry began to feel a yearning for more hands-on experience. He longed to be out in space, working directly with starships and experiencing the thrill of exploration firsthand. This led him to put in a transfer request, seeking a position as the Assistant Chief of Engineering aboard the newly refitted USS Samurai.

Upon joining the crew of the USS Samurai, Perry's skills and experience quickly became evident. Shortly after his arrival, the ship faced a critical juncture when their Chief Engineer departed unexpectedly. Recognizing Perry's exceptional capabilities, the Captain wasted no time in promoting him to the position of Chief Engineer.

Under Perry's leadership, the engineering department thrived, and he played a pivotal role in the success of the USS Samurai's missions. His technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and dedication to the ship and crew earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues.

Following a classified event during the Samurai's last mission, Perry found himself temporarily assigned as the Captain of the Port onboard Starbase 109. During this period, he oversaw the operations and ensured the smooth functioning of the starbase. However, fate had more adventures in store for him, as the USS Samurai returned to active duty, prompting Perry to resume his position as Chief Engineer.

With a proven track record of excellence, Perry continues to serve Starfleet and the crew of the USS Samurai with unwavering commitment and a passion for technological innovation. His journey from the halls of Starfleet Academy to the heart of starship engineering has shaped him into a trusted leader, ready to face the challenges and mysteries that lie ahead in the vastness of space.
Service Record Utopia Planitia Ship and Weapons designs

U.S.S. Samurai Asst. Chief Engineer

U.S.S. Samurai Chief Engineer

Captain of the Port Starbase 109

USS Samurai - Chief of Engineering