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Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 1:01am

Captain Isabella Perry

Name Isabella Perry

Position Captain

Second Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Captain

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 140
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Isabella is a black female with a petite but athletic frame. She also has long hair that is usually pinned up on top of her head.

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28


Spouse None
Children None
Father Brandon Perry
Mother Kennetta Perry
Brother(s) Henry Arthur Perry
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview To those who do not truly know her, Isabella can come off as brash, standoffish, and cold. But those who know her on a personal level, know that she is compassionate, understanding, and loyal. She will never ask a subordinate to do anything she has not done herself or is not willing to do. Those who work under her admire her for her hard work, dedication, and loyalty to them. That is why her staff do what is asked of them without question

Her love for the Federation and its symbolism is always her first priority. Isabella would do anything to keep the Federation from falling.
Strengths & Weaknesses Loyal
+Highly Intelligent

-Can be too harsh
-Sometimes needs a filter
-Can be too mission focused
Ambitions Isabella does want to have her own command at some point in her career but is not in any kind of hurry. She is content to serve under a qualified leader.
Hobbies & Interests Listening to music
Mixed Martial Arts

Personal History Isabella was no stranger to law and order. Her father was a retired Police Officer in North Carolina while her mother was a history professor at one on the Universities there. Although neither of her parents was in Starfleet, Isabella had an interest in the organization since childhood. When her father would conduct joint investigations with Starfleet JAG, Isabella was enamored with the case details that her father would share with her.

At an early age, her father taught her the importance of details. The details in people, speech patterns, and body language. By her teen years, Isabella had a keen sense of observation, to the point where she was almost a human lie detector.

During her teenage years in high school, she played sports but excelled in the art of Jeet Kun Do, and various other fighting styles. At the age of 18, Isabella eagerly applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted.

During the first couple of years in the Academy Isabella did fine in her coursework, but during the third year, she began taking more in-depth security classes like Security Procedures, Security Technology, and Tactical Analysis.

It was during Tactical Analysis that Isabella's keen tactical sense was noticed by Admiral Rosalyn Nechayev. Admiral Nechayev immediately took a liking to Isabella and suggested Advanced Tactical Training for the young Cadet. Isabella finished her Academy training at the top of her class under the tutelage of Admiral Nechayev. It was then that Isabella attended Advanced Tactical Training at Syria Planum, Mars.

Isabella was no stranger to law and order. Her father was a retired Police Officer in North Carolina while her mother was a history professor at one of the Universities there. Although neither of her parents was in Starfleet, Isabella had an interest in the organization since childhood. When her father would conduct joint investigations with Starfleet JAG, Isabella was enamored with the case details that her father would share with her.

At an early age, her father taught her the importance of details. The details in people, speech patterns, and body language. By her teen years, Isabella had a keen sense of observation, to the point where she was almost a human lie detector.

During her teenage years in high school, she played sports but excelled in the art of Jeet Kun Do, and various other fighting styles. At the age of 18, Isabella eagerly applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted.

The first couple of years in the Academy Isabella did fine in her coursework, but during the third year, she began taking more in-depth security classes like Security Procedures, Security Technology, and Tactical Analysis.

It was during Tactical Analysis that Isabella's keen tactical sense was noticed by Admiral Rosalyn Nechayev. Admiral Nechayev immediately took a liking to Isabella and suggested Advanced Tactical Training for the young Cadet. Isabella finished her Academy training at the top of her class under the tutelage of Admiral Nechayev. It was then that Isabella attended Advanced Tactical Training at Syria Planum, Mars.

Two years later, Isabella graduated from Advanced Tactical Training near the very top of her class. At graduation, Admiral Nechayev asked Isabella if she would like to be a part of a covert team to gather intelligence on behalf of the Federation. Isabella immediately accepted the offer and was sent to classified locations through Federation and non-Federation space.

For the next few years, Isabella was on the front lines discovering invasion plans, mutiny plans, and other threats to the Federation. After years of service for Starfleet Intelligence, Isabella longed for stability in her life. She contacted Admiral Nechayev and requested a posting aboard a starship. Due to Isabella's years of service and dedication to Starfleet Intelligence, Isabella's request was granted immediately. Isabella was then assigned as Chief of Security aboard Vanguard.

Service Record Starfleet Academy (4 yrs)

Advanced Tactical Training (2 yrs)

Starfleet Intelligence (Classified)

Starbase 109

WV Nomad