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Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 2:17am

Lieutenant JG Matthew Cowley

Name Matthew Scott Cowley

Position Yeoman

Rank Lieutenant JG

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (1.78m)
Weight 150 (68 kg)
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Tall, well-built, regulation hair cut. Matthew is everything a poster Starfleet officer should be.

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 23


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Roger Stevens Cowley
Mother Joy Anne Medina
Brother(s) Shawn Hector Cowley (26)
Sister(s) Melanie Sarah Cowley (19)
Other Family Grandma Cowley
Uncle George Reginald Cowley
Grandpa Medina
Aunt Faith Sue Medina

Personality & Traits

General Overview Matthew never wanted anything more than to be a Starfleet Officer. He's achieved his dream, still a little green and wet behind the ears, but happy to be transferred to Samurai with the captain he's come to trust. He's excited to serve a captain of such repute. He's amicable, easy to get to know, and gets along well with others.
Strengths & Weaknesses +eager to serve

-sometimes too eager
-a little unseasoned yet
Ambitions Advance up the ranks to starship captain someday.
Hobbies & Interests Korean martial arts
Earth's military history

Personal History Matthew was born 2373 and raised in the mountains of a colony world. His father is a middle-class freight hauler, and his mother is a stay-at-home caretaker of children, her own and others. His father worked long hours and spent most of his free time training his older son to be a freight hauler, as well.

Cowley took on responsibility from a very young age, but his goal was always Starfleet. He was an excellent student in school, and won the chance to take the Academy exams in the colony lottery. Unlike about 40% of applicants, he passed on his first try, having done nothing but study for the last two years of high school and the summer before the test.

He had a high score for problem-solving, and made a special study of cloaking technology, helping in a classified attempt to develop it for Starfleet during his third and fourth year at the Academy. He started up the command ladder from the bottom as soon as he was promoted. In fact, he served as a Cadet for several months before promotion.
Service Record
  • 2391: Admitted to Starfleet Academy
  • May, 2395: Graduated Starfleet Academy, top 15%
  • June, 2395: Served aboard USS Ronald Reagan, Cadet Command Crewman
  • November, 2395: Transferred to SB109 as Captain's Yeoman
  • July, 2396: Transferred to USS Samurai, Captain's Yeoman