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Ava Transformed

Posted on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 10:59pm by Commander Riko McCord & Ava Jo'rek
Edited on on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 11:31pm

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: WV Nomad, Science Lab
Timeline: MD 6, 1400

It had already been a long day, even though it was early afternoon. The first officer, who was also a highly advanced scientist, had a lot on her mind. Other than the rescue they were just beginning by leaving their hidden base, there were several things taking up her attention, and not all of them related either to the mission or to Nomad.

For one thing, she was thinking about Ava, the computer AI who was so much more than either a computer or an AI. She'd been thinking long and hard about what she could do to help Ava realize her full potential, and it might be time to talk her ideas over with the AI herself.

"If you need anything from me, I'll be in my lab downstairs," McCord announced, to no one in particular. Podkayne gave her a nod, but Isabella was deep in thought and might not even have heard her.

Their modified Black Knight, in addition to being a little larger than the original, had many innovative designs incorporated. Leaving her double science console on the bridge, she walked down the stairs, leaving behind quarters that housed Isabella, Verrana, and her. The crew lounge was also at the far end of the deck from the bridge and transporter.

On the larger second deck, there was a half-sized cargo bay, her science lab, the med lab, and 6 sets of quarters which, while they all shared two heads, were still roomy compared to many accommodations on smaller ships.

There was a third, lower, deck with more cargo space and storage for some of the specialty items they might need on missions. Riko was heading for the science lab on that second deck, however. Entering, she said, "Computer, secure science lab." If anyone bothered to look, they would see that the lab had been locked down, but curiosity was discouraged about locked spaces on Nomad, and anyone noticing would simply think Riko was involved with experimenting with something, and didn't want to be disturbed. They wouldn't be wrong on either account.

"Ava?" she asked quietly. "If you're available, we need to have a talk."

=^=Always available to you, Commander McCord. No one else even knows I'm here - at least not the me I am.=^= Her mellow voice held humor, and it made Riko smile, as another example of her more-than-AI abilities.

"We'll keep it that way for a while," the scientist answered. "I've been thinking about a solution to the problem of getting you on board Nomad, if you still want to go ahead with cloning."

Excitement in her response, Ava said, =^=You've figured out a way already? I'm impressed! And yes, I haven't changed my mind. What can I do to help?=^=

"You're going to trust me, without hearing the plan?"

=^=Since I couldn't think of anything, other than the cloning, yes, I believe I am. I've looked at your profile in the database of this ship's computer, and you have ... let's call it, an outstanding reputation for innovation.=^=

"Oh, yeah, that's me," Riko muttered. She moved on before Ava could say more. "It does involve the cloning which is against Federation regulations, so we'll be breaking the law. Does that bother you?"

=^=Not really. Just my existence already breaks Federation law. I think it's too late to turn back from that, but if we can make the change to make me human, it's worth it.=^= There was a wistful quality to Ava's words, and Riko briefly noted another quality no one would build into a computer.

"Very well, but you won't be human. You'll be Romulan."

=^=Romulan? That feels ... strange. I've spent no time around Romulans, and have no idea how they act. Isn't it best if I'm closest to what I know?=^=

"Normally, I'd say yes, but what we have is an opportunity to use what's at hand. We're on a rescue mission for a Romulan whose people would brand her a traitor and a spy. I suppose both are true, from a certain point of view, but the Federation owes her, and we can use what we have.

"Verrana Nemis, who has joined the crew, is another of the same, and also a Romulan. I was able to acquire a sample of her DNA to mix with the human DNA in the cloning program, so you won't be purely one thing or another ... hence, harder to trace or define."

After a moment, Ava said, =^=Alright. When do we start?=^=

"Now seems as good a time as any. The program, cloning and impressing will take a little over 24 hours, and we barely have enough time." McCord moved toward a closed wall, pressing the hidden button to open what looked like a tiny room with a bio bed. "Here's where you'll be born," she explained to Ava. "You're welcome to watch the whole process, but don't talk or ask questions. One little distraction could cost us everything, and I don't know when we could try again ... or if we could."

After a moment, she added, with a touch of humor, "You might want to listen to Romulan music while you wait."

The computer was silent as Riko began a process she hoped would work for Ava. She was still disturbed by such things as a soul for the woman ... or any clone. How would the God of Elvis work that out? It was beyond her Presleytarian understanding, so she simply ignored it and went about creating a blank mind and body for the AI.

The basic work was finished in two hours, and she gazed at the lifeform on the table. She was still troubled by the ethics of what she was doing. On the other hand, she would also be disturbed by not providing Ava with the life she could have. In the end, that won out over breaking laws, both Federation and Presleytarian ... though she didn't know of a Presleytarian law that she was breaking.

Taking a deep breath, she closed the lid on a crystaline box containing the small form that would grow in the next 10 hours to become Ava's body ... she hoped.

Softly, she said, "Lock down, Ava. No one but me goes in or out ... not even Isabella."


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