4. Humaniforms

Created by Commander Shannon McKenna on Sat Jul 15th, 2023 @ 5:18am

Humaniforms are simplified androids. They are not Doctor Soong androids, i.e. Data. They were developed at the Daystrom Institute by CDR. Bruce Maddox, a cybergeneticist in Starfleet. Maddox was the only one who didn't want Data declared sentient; he wanted to take Data apart and find the last piece he needed to recreate androids like Soong's. That didn't happen, but Data held no grudge and encouraged him to continue his research, which he did. Humaniforms are the result of that research. The difference is that Maddox didn't want HIS androids declared sentient. He didn't want them to become Data. He has put limits on them. Their initial programming is general, hence an interest in art/music/books is not uncommon. Then that is overlaid with their specific duties. Humaniforms are capable of learning many things, but they are not capable of outgrowing their limiters. There is no chip technology that applies to them. Once their programming is finished, it is locked in and cannot be altered. There are limits on their capacity, and they will not become sentient in the sense that Data is. They do have positronic circuits and can not be a danger to biologic lifeforms. Humaniforms have proven useful in many situations which were dangerous to biological life. How many have been made, and how many lost, is classified information. Starfleet released a section of the patents to build commercially viable types, in order to fund more research. Humaniforms are looked upon as machines, and they are, much like a computer, but infinitely more flexible and useful. Mentally, however, they ARE computers, so don't attribute humanoid characteristics to them. They have personalities, and do develop diversity among themselves. They have the ability to learn many things, but just like your laptop, they have their limits, and they will reach those limits. That doesn't make them less useful or less deserving of consideration, but they aren't going to become Federation citizens. They may actually become something much more interesting.

Categories: 1. Reference