1.5 Orions, Part 2

Created by Commander Shannon McKenna on Sat Oct 21st, 2023 @ 11:03pm

Loss of Neutrality
Orion's neutrality remained in dispute after the Coridan affair and the Babel Conference of stardate 3850.3. This was again brought to light in 2270 when an Orion vessel attacked and raided USS Huron of its cargo of dilithium and a shipment of strobolin intended for transfer to USS Enterprise. Following the discovery of the disabled Huron, Enterprise tracked the Orion ship to an asteroid belt. Initially, the crew was attacked by, and was later accused of harassing, the Orions, who then threatened to file a formal protest with the Federation. It was when Enterprise detected the dilithium in the Orion vessel's hold that Captain James T. Kirk told the Orions that he would allow them to keep the dilithium if they would return the strobolin, and would make no mention of the encounter in his log. The Orions did not trust Kirk, and suggested a nearby asteroid to hand over the drug. This suggestion was a ruse, however, as the Orions planned to destroy themselves and the Enterprise during the exchange to preserve the appearance of Orion neutrality. The plot failed and the Orion vessel and crew were captured, casting further doubt on the future of the Orions' claim to neutrality. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
Orions in Starfleet
As of the 2380s, a few Orions, such as Ensigns D'Vana Tendi and Mesk, were serving in Starfleet. Both of these ensigns commented on how they had not seen another Orion in Starfleet until meeting each other, with Tendi noting that there were likely "not a lot" who did so. In 2401, at least two Orions served in Starfleet on USS Titan-A in the Sciences and Operations divisions. (PIC: "The Next Generation", "Disengage")
Mirror Universe
In the mirror universe, the Orions had been subjugated by the Terran Empire by 2155. In that year, a female Orion crewmember was serving aboard ISS Avenger. She was killed while aiding fellow non-Terrans under Soval in an attempt to destroy USS Defiant. According to ex-Emperor Philippa Georgiou, the nature of Orions in the mirror universe was not much different from those in the prime, still largely being slave-traders and pirates. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?")
Alternate Reality
In the alternate reality, Orions were living and working on Earth in the late 2250s. One such Orion, named Gaila, was a cadet at Starfleet Academy by 2258. In 2259, another female Orion was in San Francisco. Starfleet also monitored activity of the Orion Union. (Star Trek)