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It's a New Day

Posted on Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 8:18am by Commander Shannon McKenna & Ensign Tristi Alohalani

980 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: Science Lab 2
Timeline: MD 5, 1045

McKenna's first priority was getting to know the men and women stationed on Samurai, and especially those whose interests intersected with hers. That meant Science, as one early priority. The Chief of Science wasn't on board at the moment, but there was a botanist who looked like she might be interesting. If their interests intersected, the young ensign could be an asset on an away team. Shannon decided she'd stop in and get to know her better.

It took only moments to go down in the lift to Science Lab 2 where she expected to find Ensign Alohaloni ... an interesting name and background. She wasn't sure if Tristi was an islander from Hawaii or Samoa or some other island grouping on Earth, but she was pretty sure she was at least from Earth ... maybe.

As she left the lift behind, she followed directions she'd gotten from the computer to find Science Lab 2 and entered to hear a melodious humming from the left.

Tristi had a row of pots lined up on a long table and was carefully adding pebbles, dirt, and mulch to each one. She was humming a tune from her homeworld as she worked, happy to have dirt under her fingers again. When she heard someone outside the door, she paused and looked up to see who entered.

As Shannon allowed her eyes to follow her ears, she saw the plump, but attractive, young ensign she'd met at breakfast. There had been a lot of chatter, many details to remember about everyone, so she hadn't had a chance to actually talk to the woman, or learn much about her.

"Hello, Ensign. We didn't really have a chance to connect over breakfast, but I'd already decided I'd come meet you on a more equal footing and see what we have in common in our science backgrounds. I did note you are a botanist, and what you're doing right now certainly seems to bear that out. Actually, what are you doing in your pots?" McKenna asked with interest.

"I'm getting the pots ready for seeds and starters. Sometimes it's nice to have something living in your quarters and this gives the crew who wants something a chance to grow their own plants." Tristi smiled. "And it gives me a chance to play in the soil."

Shannon laughed, understanding the need to do something physical about a passion. "Put me down for one, I don't even care what. Are these flowers or herbs or an experiment in hybridizing something? So many wonderful possibilities, I think. I doubt I'll have much time for this particular interest for a while, but at least I can have something to water in my office or home.

"By the way, did you find your quarters adequate? I know you aren't high up on the command chain, but you are our only botanist, other than my own interest, and there are plenty of options on Samurai, as I've investigated it." McKenna knew the exact number of everything available, and was willing to give a fellow science enthusiast a break if she needed or wanted one.

"I just need a place to sleep. I plan on spending most of my time working with plants," Tristi assured her. "Even if I'm reading, I enjoy it more if I'm around plants."

Nodding her understanding, Shannon walked around the lab, noting the well-labeled pots on shelving and seeing a variety of plants from many places in the quadrant. "It looks as if you are well supplied with materials ..." she turned back toward the young woman, "... or did you bring your own seeds and plant makings?"

"Both, actually. Most of the suppplies were already here, but I brought some seeds and twigs to bring a bit of home , too." Tristi liked variety and planned to pick up plants from other locations as the opportunity arose. Variety was important to her, and she hoped to change things up from time to time.

Shannon half-smiled as she continued to examine whatever she found on the science shelves ... lots of variety in types of leaves, size, and even a few buds here and there. "Well, as I said, I don't care what you put me down for, I'd just like something green. It can even have prickly stickers!" As she turned and came back toward her junior officer, she added, "Some would say that would be very appropriate, as prickly as I am."

And that's more true than not, more true than I would like ... but how does one change that? she thought. I have a new place, and a new start here on Samurai. Maybe that's all I need.

Smiling fully, McKenna said, "You'll feel comfortable coming to me with any needs or issues that pop up? I feel like we are halfway friends already, and don't let these pips on my collar deter you."

"I generally don't," Tristi assured her. "And any plant lover is a friend of mine."

Thoughtfully, Shannon replied, "Friends are always good to have, and our crew is mostly unacquainted with one another. There's no one who doesn't need friends, and basing it on loving plants should make quite a few for you!

"If there's nothing else I can do for you, I'll sit here and make a few notes about your lab, and some needs I can see, even if you didn't ask for anything. I have a feeling we'll reach the point where I may regret this," the XO laughed.

"Never regret making your home more beautiful with plants," Tristi said cheerfully. "They always make things better in my opinion. I always appreciate ideas and suggestions because like to change things up from time to time so there's something new to see." Besides, she hadn't seen much of the galaxy, so hearing what others thought often gave her new ideas.


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