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Off Base

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 9:51pm by Commander Riko McCord & Captain Isabella Perry
Edited on on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 9:53pm

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: WV Nomad, Bridge
Timeline: MD 1, 1530

The bridge was abuzz with activity as the crew of Nomad was busy with mission launch preparation. Isabella looked over to Verrana who was at the tactical station. "Verrana, how are things looking on your end?" she asked her new tactical officer.

"Well, my lovely wife, I have to say this," Verrana said as she finalized an inventory count. "Your brother didn't skimp on the weapons system for a boat this size. All inventories are stocked and we are ready to bare teeth if need be."

Looking over to the Science station where Riko was sitting, Isabella called out to her. "Riko, how are things on your end?"

"Four by four," McCord replied, eyes on the science console screen. "The tug is only pulling us out of the inner harbor, because it's pretty crowded in here with the Captain's ship docked inside. Then we'll be able to get through the outer harbor on our own, and be off." She glanced at the humaniform sitting at the pilot's con. "With the help of our excellent pilot, of course. You ready for this Podkayne?"

Podkayne looked up with a grin, "You bet! I've run simulations for 48 hours straight, taking into account every mishap the computer could bring up, and we are good!"

Riko laughed, "Okay, boss, looks like everyone is aboard, and we're as ready as we're going to be."

"Captain!" Verrana stated. "Incoming communication for you."

"On screen," Isabella said as she wondered who would be calling her now. Henry's visage appeared on the screen.

"Well look at this, my little sister is finally in command of her own ship," the Captain of the Port said as he chuckled.

"Seeing us off huh, big bro?" she said as she stood from her command chair and approached the screen. "Hey, I did want to say thank you for everything you have done for us, for me. I really appreciate it."

Henry didn't want to show how emotional he was, but couldn't help his eyes watering up. "Anytime, sis. Listen, I want you to be careful out there. Take care of your crew, and they will take of you."

Henry focused on Riko and gave her a big smile. "Back out into the breach huh, Riko?"

"Imagine that, Henry. Your sister talked me into it." McCord smiled at the man who was more than a friend, and less than a brother. "I'm sure we'll be in touch ... when we need your tech skills!" she laughed.

"I am moving your vessel to the front of the line to get out of the docking port. Podkayne, maneuver to these coordinates." Henry inputted the coordinates and they almost instantly appeared on Podkayne's console.

Almost faster than the eye could follow, the humaniform had the coordinates entered and they began to move away from the dock. "Nice to have connections!" she said, watching the screen that showed the scene in front of the forward hull.

"Good luck ladies, and may God be with you. Bells, I love you," Henry said right before his screen went black.

=^=Nomad, follow on our mark, and we'll get you through this mess. Our computer never misses anything,=^= a disembodied male voice sounded over their coms. =^=When we hit the third mark, you are free to move about the galaxy. Thanks for flying Henry's Tug Service!=^= A chuckle was heard just before the connection cut off.

Isabella sat back in her chair and assumed command. "Podkayne, set a course for ??? and go to warp as soon as we are clear."

"It's still pretty crowded in the inner harbor, but it should only take a few minutes to move away. One quarter impulse until we're clear," Podkayne replied.

Riko wondered what their base on ??? would be like. Isabella had described it, and even shown her a picture of what anyone looking at it would see, without the access codes built into their bracelets. It still didn't give her an idea of what the actual base was like inside. A picture was worth a thousand words. Her boss had also left out more than she'd told.

She knew they had facilities to hide the ship, and to make repairs ... but did they have anyone other than bots maintaining or guarding those facilities? Were they going to be secure if they hired locally? All questions for another day, truly, but she couldn't help wondering.

"Moving ahead behind the tug - oh, no! There's a worker bee coming right across our bow! Doesn't it see us?" Podkayne exclaimed.

The XO was watching the same picture, and felt a tightening in her stomach. Was this where everything went wrong?

"Steady as she goes!" Isabella said as she looked at the worker bee on the screen. "My brother has cleared the path for us." The newly minted Captain looked down to her right wrist, at the bracelet her brother made. She brought up the hard light display. She quickly inputted a code and then saw a flash of light on the screen.

"What was that?" the humaniform said, staring at the screen as the flash died away.

McCord looked at the screen, but now there was nothing but the tug in front of them, and even it had stopped. "Podkayne, slow to stop," she ordered when Isabella didn't say anything. "It seems we're missing a worker bee."

"Riko." Isabella said as she stood from her command chair. "Remember, we are in this together. This is where things get a little bit hairy, but together, I know we will be ok."


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