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Name of the Game

Posted on Wed Aug 23rd, 2023 @ 9:24am by Commander Riko McCord & Podkayne Mars & Captain Isabella Perry & Lyirru ei'Lyrrveoth & Verrana Nemis
Edited on on Wed Aug 23rd, 2023 @ 10:53am

1,105 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: Nomad
Timeline: MD 5 0930

-Somewhere hidden-

A tiny blue console in the corner of what once was a majestic Romulan envoy ship blinked to life. Dark eyes didn't even register the proximity alarm now, for long had it lay silenced. The ship had been artfully arranged to make it appear that it had crashed and that the fires which had seared the hull had also taken the crew and the envoy with it. It was her salvation, and its full functionality was her most dearly guarded secret.

Raking her fingers through unkempt long black hair, Lyirru sighed gently, and began to carefully set her dark corner for another transmission. She was a shadow of what she once was, but still honor bound to protect her people. In her pouch lay the trappings of her once noble estate. A signet ring, a clan bracelet, a notebook bound in hlai leather and a database crystal. The tiny moon which was densely forested had hidden her ship, and herself, from detection. The fact that its magnetic signature made it difficult to track was only that much better for those of her crew who still lived. They numbered 6. From a total compliment of officers of 25. Lyirru, Icai, Iliune, Nichrik, Vimika and Tutam. All that was left now was the information they gathered in drops and fed into the computer. Drops of information more precious than blood or latinum.


Isabella sat in the command chair aboard Nomad, looking over the vessel's inventory on a PADD. The sounds of her crew hustling to make sure they had everything they needed for the mission was reassuring to her. It made her feel like they were in it as much as she was. As if they had just as much to lose as she did. And they did. They too had their lives to lose.

"Podkayne!" She called out to her pilot. "How are we looking for takeoff?"

"Ready when you are. All systems are set for launch," she replied without looking up. "Just say the word, and we're off."

McCord smiled at the humaniform's enthusiastic response. She couldn't help thinking of her as "the girl". She felt young, passionate, committed to a cause. Looking at her own board, she didn't wait for the question from Isabella. "Likewise with science and external sensors," she called out. "Ready for anything, boss."

Isabella smiled at her first officer's voice and looked over at her. They locked eyes and Isabella gave a quick supportive wink to Riko.

"Alright Verrana, how is my favorite smuggler and tactician holding up over there?" she asked as she swung her chair to the right to look at one of her closest friends.

"Weapons are a go and all extra equipment that may be needed is onboard and stowed," Verrana said as she gave a snide look over at Podkayne, not forgetting their earlier exchange outside of the ship.

Isabella shook her head and stood up from her command chair. "O.K. let's stop right here. We cannot and will not start our first mission with this hint of whatever this is in the air. So let's get it out in the open and deal with this. What is the problem? Veranna, you first."

Nemis turned her chair around with her arms crossed and faced the captain's chair. "Alright!" she said now standing and leaning against her console. "I am already tired of certain members of this crew making comments about how I do my job and basically eyeing me whenever I am in the vicinity."

"Get a hold of yourself, Nemis. This mission is not about you. It isn't about me or Podkayne, or any one of us. I don't like you. I've made that pretty clear. I don't trust you. I've made that clear. I have no reason to do either one ... and no reason I can't still work with you. Get off your skyrocket and settle down. You don't like me, either. I'm okay with that, but I'm not going to change my opinion based on mutual dislike. When you do something that engenders trust in me, then maybe I'll trust you to do your job." Riko said her piece with no anger or rancor, stating the facts as she saw them.

Podkayne slumped down in her chair slightly, trying to decide what she could say. She didn't disagree with McCord, but she wasn't experienced enough to put her own opinions out there ... she'd wait to see how things settled. She opened her mouth, then closed it again without saying anything.

Nemis stood at her console stewing in her emotions. Feeling everything begin to boil over. She glanced over to Isabella and saw her motioning for her to take deep breaths. Verrana unwittingly took a few deep breaths and brought the anger down.

"I don't know what I have done to you to make you not trust me Riko, but maybe you should take some time to get to know someone before you make a judgement about them." With that, Verrana took her seat and swung it back around to face her console.

There was a lot Riko could have said, like how Verrana had been attacking her since she first met the woman, but she knew it wouldn't change anything ... and it would upset Isabella to have her two mainstays at odds. She shook her head, and studied her own console, taking a cue from Podkayne's silence.

Isabella sat there, not happy about the exchange, but glad that some of the situation was aired out. "O.K. now that that's taken care of...."

She looked to Podkayne. "Podkayne, bring Gordy up on the screen."

"Yes, Ma'am!" the pilot answered quickly, glad she hadn't added anything to the mix. Being unemotional, essentially, she could look at things more dispassionately, and felt there was nothing good she could add to the situation.

Gordy's image appeared on the viewscreen. "Yes ma'am? How may I serve?"

"Mind the shop for us while we're gone. And make sure to have AVA coordinate with you about items some of the villager may need."

Gordy rolled back and forth on his singular wheel in excitement.

"Will do, boss. You and your compatriots return unharmed."

Podkayne laughed, as she did have a sense of humor. "That's the plan, Gordy."

Isabella chuckled and cut the image from her chair console. "Podkayne take us out. Set course for the location that came through a short time ago ... Warp 5!"

Podkayne locked in the coordinates that had come from a secret location. "This is quite a distance, but ... Warp 5 will get us there ... hopefully untracked." People were counting on it.


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