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Tactician's Decision

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 6:57pm by Commander Shannon McKenna & Captain Elena Navarra & Lieutenant Thavishr Th’Firria
Edited on on Thu Dec 7th, 2023 @ 3:00am

1,547 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Secret Spies
Location: USS Charleston, Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 1, 1600

Thavishr walked at his usual pace as he exited the turbolift, but his mind was going through various scenarios as quickly as possible to try to determine why Captain Dunlap summoned him to the observation lounge. Other than a staff meeting, which Th’Firria dismissed immediately, this was outside of his standard operating procedure.

Running out of time before he reached the deck entrance to the observation lounge, Thavishr simultaneously felt frustrated and exhilarated that he could not determine what was about to happen. He felt his mouth form a small grin. It had been some time since he was surprised on Charleston.

Adjusting his uniform, he entered the lounge and saw three officers sitting at the conference table. The Captain was flanked by two command officers whom Thavishr didn’t recognize. Immediately observing Dulap’s familiarity with the other Starfleet captain, Thavishr positioned himself at the other side of the table and placed his hands behind his back looking quickly again at the two unknowns before settling his gaze on his Captain, “Reporting as ordered, sir.”

McKenna liked the ease and formality the tactical officer displayed. It was a positive check in the mental list she had, and would serve as a good example, both to those under him and those next to him on the bridge.

"Ahhhh Lieutenant, let me introduce you to Captain Elena Navarra and Commander McKenna. They are here to ..." Captain Dulap paused for a moment, not quite sure what reason to give for this meeting.

"... to interview you for a job," Shannon filled in. We have a position we think you may be uniquely qualified to fill." She smiled at him, adding, "If we're right, and you accept, it includes a promotion for you."

"Yes." Dulap responded to the commander's explanation. "I trust you will cooperate with these two fine officers and remember where home is."

Charleston's captain looked at Navarra and gave her a wink as he placed his hand on the shoulder of Thavishr. "Captain, stop by my ready room before you go, if you don't mind," Dulap said as he walked out of the conference room, not waiting for a response from his old friend.

Navarra sat in her chair and stared intently at the Andorian. She found herself struck at the contrast of his brown eyes, blue skin and white hair. She noticed how his eye really stood out because of the contrast of colors. That's when she saw it. This was the first time she saw the fire behind those brown eyes.

"Lieutenant." Navarra said as a matter of fact, but with a stillness in her voice. "Tell me us about your time with the Imperial Guard please."

Usually unfazed in situations like this, Thavishr couldn’t help but feel his antennae shift position. It had been some time since he was asked about the Guard and couldn’t help but raise his defenses as he assessed the intentions of the Captain, “What would you like to know, sir? I’m sure Starfleet is aware of the exacting standards expected of the trainees and officers that serve in the Guard. I was fortunate enough to meet those demands in both my training and studies.”

Navarra smiled as shed examined the Andorian, deciding how to approach her potential tactical officer.

"I want to know what Starfleet doesn't know," she said in a low, reserved and non-threatening tone. "I want to know how that time in the Guard shaped you into the person you are sitting here in front of me."

"Nicely put, Captain," McKenna said, before turning her attention to the Andorian again. He didn't squirm, that was in his favor. She was really pulling for him to be completely honest and impress Navarra. Even after working with her for a while, Shannon still couldn't read her with one hundred percent accuracy. She hoped the reverse was also true. Today's interview was good practice for her, and she wanted it to result in a new tactical officer for Samurai.

In Thavishr’s experience, Starfleet officers, particular humans, saw the Guard as either some sort of imperialistic cult or a part of Andorian culture that was taboo to discuss. Admittedly, neither thought was totally incorrect; however, like most assumptions, they were lacking in required context. Either way, he appreciated the direct approach and skipping the charade of softening the question.

He debated replying to the question with a question of his own but decided to save it for another time and responded directly, “The Guard provided me with the discipline and skills to analyze and adapt to tactical situations quicker than the typical Starfleet tactical officer,” pausing to decide if he should continue, he added, “Aside from that, much like the Academy, it instilled in me the need to work with and sometimes rely on a team to complete an objective at whatever the cost. Albeit, in a different way than the Academy.”

"One of the reasons we're interested in you is because of that dual exposure," the XO explained. "We think there are skills ... perhaps the best of both experiences? ... that could be beneficial to our missions. Right now, we mostly have a staff of human off-shoots, at least as far as training goes. We think all of us could learn something from you." She glanced at her boss, who gazed back blandly, before facing the Andorian again.

Again, Th’Firria’s interest was peaked at the wording that was used. A superior officer being deliberately vague usually meant something in his area of expertise.

“Sounds like an interesting opportunity. If you think your staff is up to it. I’ve met more than a few Starfleet officers who are frustratingly overconfident in their abilities.” He was thinking of a couple that he is currently serving with, “Although something tells me that you’ve been more selective in picking your crew assuming your mission parameters and considering you’re asking someone who specialized in tactical analysis at the Guard to join.”

Sensing they wouldn’t reveal the full extent of their assignment, he felt this was as close as he would get to an acknowledgement, “Would I be correct in that assessment?”

Exchanging a quick glance with the captain, Shannon gave a non-committal shrug, but she also grinned at the man in front of her. "Guesses are allowed, but confirmation comes only with signing on with us. Obviously, we want your knowledge in more than one area. Equally obviously, we can't say more at this time."

Navarra sat forward in her chair and placed her both her hands flat on the table in front of her. Leaning over to her side, she began whispering something in the ear of Commander McKenna.

"O.K. Shannon, time for him to show us if he is the one we are looking for or not," she said as she sat back in her chair once again. Then she asked her question.

"Thavishr, although you may not know what our particular mission is, why should we offer you an opportunity to join our crew as Chief of Security?"

“Stating the obvious,” Thavishr began, “my interest is piqued. Rarely are Starfleet officers this guarded in their motives in recruiting,” he paused to consider his words. “In that regard, I suppose you have that in common with the Guard. That being said, I have no complaints with my current position other than the long stretches of calm and monotony that are standard on most Federation ships. If you can at least confirm that part of the job happens less often than a typical Chief of Security, let’s say I would be interested in this new challenge.”

Elena knew in her mind already that she liked Thavishr, but because this was Shannon's prospect, she wanted her to take lead. Navarra looked over to her right hand, her XO, and gave her a nod of encouragement and acknowledgement. After the many weeks they have spent together, she trusted McKenna's judgement with her life. Samurai was just as much Shannon's vessel as it was hers.

Ignoring the probe about job monotony, McKenna nodded. "We seem to be dancing around each other here, and one of us is going to have to jump off the Whirly Wheel," she said, thoughtfully. "I believe you have something we need, and you were my suggestion after looking at many files." With a last quick glance at the CO, she looked the Andorian in the eye and said, "I'd like to offer you the position of Chief of Security of USS Samurai, with a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, date effective when you step aboard our main ship."

Standing, she reached across the narrow table between them and held our her hand, which Th'Firria took in his for a brief shake.

"Congratulations, and welcome to our crew. You will find this is not the only way in which we differ from most Starfleet ships of the line. We'll have a little time to ease into your briefing on board the captain's yacht, if we leave right away. I understand there may be those you wish to say goodbye to, and your captain, of course, mentioned wanting to see you. We'll meet at the docking bay in two hours, if that suits you."


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