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Mission Brief

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 11:23pm by Commander Riko McCord & Podkayne Mars & Captain Isabella Perry & Verrana Nemis

1,672 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: WV Nomad, Galley
Timeline: MD 6, 1900

Riko raised her voice slightly. "Both of you overslept?" she teased and laughed. "Mark that in red on the calendar!"

"Well, get used to doling those red marks out for me!" Verrana smirked as she and Isabella entered the galley.

Isabella ignored her XO's teasing, and joined her crew who stood waiting near the table. "Did everyone find a room, settle in well and get some rest?" She glanced at Podkayne, who had come to the dinner meeting, but needed neither food nor rest. The captain was glad to see her there, because she DID need the information, and might well supply some, too.

"The computer, who by the way, is quite advanced and has a personality, was very helpful. I'm in better quarters than I've ever had," Riko responded. "And don't think I don't want to know more about that computer's history later." Quite a bit more, she thought.

"Make sure you have some time, because that story can get long," Verrana said as she looked at Riko. "But if you ask her about her history, also have a drink in hand."

Isabella just shrugged. "Remember when I said I set the village up as a refuge for those who are hunted? Count her among that number." Immediately, she moved on to the point of their being there. "We'll eat while we talk," she said, looking at McCord as the others took seats at the table. "What do you suggest?"

The XO had figured, since she was the one who understood what was in the replicator the best, that running it would be her job most of the time. "How about some Romulan dishes, in honor of ... Verrana?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned to the replicator and began to program the meals she knew would be there, thanks again to Podkayne.

Verrana took note of Riko's gesture and didn't quite know how to react to it. This was something she struggled with, not knowing how to accept kindness from those she thought didn't have anything to gain from it. At least, those she didn't know well.

First, Riko programmed a large platter of Jumbo Romulan Mollusks, a favorite Romulan dish. She also programmed a substantial serving of something that looked like Terran rice, but wasn't even related. A Terran would have put the mollusks over the rice-like food, but Riko served them separately, because Romulans would separate them on their own dishes anyway ... and it was enough for all of them and more. Those were placed on the table even as the crew sat in the places they'd taken at their last meal in the galley.

Next, she made a sizeable plate of osol twists, and for those who might find them too tart, she added a gigantic bowl of Terran strawberry sauce for dipping them. She'd found it made a nice accompaniment, and maybe someday it would become part of the Romulan meal. The people there seemed to like Terran foods, if their love of venison was anything to go by.

To top off the meal, McCord programmed a huge container of the chicken-like hlai that was gaining more popularity among Romulans all the time. They needed a drink, and she considered Romulan ale, but knowing they needed their wits about them for the briefing, and that only a couple of sips could make sobriety impossible, she chose plain water and placed a couple of pitchers of that on the table before sitting down herself and reaching for the mollusks. Instead of placing them over a bed of the rice-like food, she placed them next to each other, as Romulans tended to separate the items on a plate.

Isabella sat at the center of the group, with a holoprojector at the empty seat across from her, where everyone would have a clear view of it. She inserted an Isolinear chip she retrieved from her pocket, and the holoprojector came to life. "Computer, open the secure file using Myriad protocol. Command code ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA 0324," she instructed.

A Romulan male, with standard black hair, looking about 40 in Earth years, appeared on the screen.

Verrana studied the image carefully. A hint of recognition gleamed in her mind, but she wasn't sure if it was a memory or if he merely reminded her of someone. She kept quiet as the ship's captain continued on.

"Ladies, let me introduce our first job and target," Isabella said and continued to pull up the necessary information for her briefing.

"I present to you ei'Lyrrveoth. This individual has been a credible source of information within the Romulan Tal Shiar for the past few years. A few weeks ago, ei'Lyrrveoth told Starfleet Command that he had found some information in a log from a few years back about a device that may have been developed by Starfleet. He was unclear about what the device is and what it actually does, but he would not give any more information and instantly demanded that we grant him asylum.

"Normally, we would need proof to verify such claims, but he's an asset who has never given faulty intelligence. He has stopped many instances of war from occurring, so we are taking him at his word on this." She glanced around the table and saw that while eating, everyone was paying close attention to the information displayed.

"After the planning phase was completed for the extraction, he went quiet on us. 36 hours ago, we received word from him stating that he was off-planet, but needed immediate pick up on Retivan."

"Retivan?" Podkayne said, startled. "I know that planet. No one who wanted to hide would be found there. It's a pleasure planet, though I didn't find it so." She shrugged, "It's just what I was told, and I was new and mostly unformed then. That and that there's quite a bit of ... what's it called? Gangster activity?"

After a moment, she added, "So ... how and why did he get to Retivan would be my question, but a criminal element might explain that. Plus, why couldn't he continue from there?" After a moment, she hesitantly asked, "Are you sure we're the right ones for this particular job?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Varrana asked with a hint of indignation in her voice. "Among all of us, we have the skill set to pull off a simple snatch and delivery job. Do we have his exact coordinates?"

"No, that would be too easy," Isabella said as she sent the image to her crew's comm bracelets. "This guy was smart enough to send only a burst message out to Starfleet, and without getting caught.

"Hopefully, when we arrive planet-side, he will either send out another message, or we will have to do some old-fashioned detective work and locate him. Podkayne mentioned that this is a pleasure planet, and our target looks like he is one to indulge himself in the luxuries of his location. We can start there."

Podkayne thought about the logistics of getting from their base to Retivan. She'd honestly hoped to have time to get used to being off the ship a while, but it looked as if the job were heating up fast. She could do fast.

Nodding her head toward the picture still displayed, McCord said, "He does look a little self-indulgent, but not exactly ... dissipated, I guess you could say." As she studied the details of the Romulan's looks, she added, "I think it could come in handy for a spy to have that appearance that screams lack of substance, lack of competence. I'm guessing, with his record of help to the Federation, he's exactly the opposite. So how are we going to arrive ourselves?"

Isabella smiled as Riko asked her question. One of the things she loved about being in Starfleet Intelligence was the ability to make a new identity and become someone else when the occasion called for it.

"We go in as ourselves. I have made a name for myself out there already, so I plan to be myself. I am not worried about Verrana as she, too, knows the lay of these lands, but you and Podkayne need to come up with a new name. Actually, just a new last name. You can go see Ava for help creating your backstop and the credentials you may need. We need to build up our reputations as transport professionals. Now -"

"You mean smugglers, right?" Verrana said before Isabella could finish her sentence.

"When the situation demands it, yes," Isabella said with another grin on her face.

"OK, just checking." Verrana said. "I enjoy the smuggling bit the most."

Of course, she would, Riko thought. "I don't have a lot of experience with that, but I imagine I can figure it out. How about you, Podkayne?"

The humaniform's eyes gleamed. "I have an excellent memory, and I know I can do this. Shall we consult Ava now?" She was excited to get started, and suddenly ready to be back behind the console of Nomad, sailing through the black depths of space.

Riko paused her hand half-way to her mouth at Podkayne's words. Then she realized she was the only one on the ship who knew what was taking place in her science lab at the moment, and her hand completed its journey, almost immediately.

Isabella was glad to see her crew in good spirits about their first mission together. It was important that they get through this first hurdle as a team. "O.K., you two go see Ava. Verrana and I will get some supplies together. Podkayne, feel free to take some time to study your new identity as we're simply gliding through space right now."

She took a moment to look over her crew. She felt that they were ready for this. Some were untested in the field, but she knew they had what it took.

"Well, if there are no questions, handle your tasks and meet back in an hour. We'll go over the rest of the details then."


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