
Good Reports

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 1:01am by Captain Isabella Perry & Harina True

985 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Secret Spies
Location: Brookhaven Clinic
Timeline: MD 1, 1600

Closing the last file for the day, Dr. True thought about how strangest meeting of the day had gone. The new Chief of Police seemed clueless ... but was he?

As she pushed her handwritten notes in front of her, the computer personal message chime sounded, and she answered, "Dr. True's Office. How can I help you?"

"Harina, how are things?" Isabella asked from her personal quarters aboard Nomad. She had been meaning to check in with her old friend for some time, but something always seemed to get in the way of her calling.

The doctor leaned back in her chair. There was no video, only an indication there was an encrypted message coming through. "Oh, Captain Perry, hello. I met one of your new people today, the Chief of Police, Kyle Schaffer. I'm not sure where he fits into things, and he seemed a little confused about that himself. He has no children, but he made an appointment with me anyway, and we had an interesting chat. You've met him?"

Hearing the name of Kyle Schaffer instantly brought the man's face to the forefront of Isabella's mind. "Oh yes, I have met Kyle. I invited him to our little hideaway after a diplomatic frenzy took place. I wasn't sure if he was going to come or not."

Isabella paused for a moment and then realized something the Doctor had said. "Wait, did you say Chief of Police? He took me literally huh?" She laughed to herself, while thinking back to her last conversation with Kyle.

"Ah, so he's a rescue, but sort of unplanned. He knows what we do here? Or does he think he's the only one, or not sure exactly what is going on. Just dipping his finger in the pot?" It was a series of questions, but that rapid firing was how her mind worked, and why she was where she was ... a rescue herself and part of Perry's network now.

Isabella took a moment to consider the Doctor's questions. She wasn't quite sure herself on how to characterize Kyle and his thoughts of Brookhaven. She did explain Brookhaven, but did not go into detail about it's residents and how they came to be there.

"It is possible he could think he is the only one there with a past, unless someone has gotten a hold of him. Do you know what he has done for housing?" The Nomad captain asked herself as she laid across the bed in her quarters.

"Yes, he mentioned Lockwood had showed him a place he liked ... and maybe dropped a statement or two to figure out the Chief's position in things. Schaffer seems bright. I imagine he'll nose things out eventually, but whether he comes back to me, goes to Lockwood or keeps it all to himself ... I don't know. I couldn't get a handle on him as we played targ and Klingon today."

"Hmmmm." Isabella said aloud. Not really meaning anything by it other than the fact she was thinking. "Well if Lockwood showed him a house, I am sure he went into some detail about Brookhaven and our residents. More importantly, what is your measure of the man so far?"

Leaning back in her chair, Dr. True tapped a stylus against her hand as she thought. "I have mixed ... feedback, I guess I could call it. On the one hand, he seemed ... cagey, sharp, intelligent. On the other hand, there was something not quite right. That could have been that he was feeling out of the loop," she tossed the stylus down. "It could have been being out of his comfort zone, or suspicious, or ... any number of things. I had a sense that I could trust him, at least somewhat ... but there was also a little feeling of being in a room with a tiger, one who was calm for the moment, but it could change at any time."

Isabella wasn't sure how she felt about Harina's assessment, but she knew she trusted the doctor's intuition like it was results from a sensor reading. The captain sat up on her bed and and ran her fingers through her hair.

"You seem a little restless. Is the current rescue not going well? Has there been a mix-up or ... a missed connection?" Harina hazarded a guess. Although she didn't know all the details, she did know Perry had alerted her there might be another placement. These things could always go wrong.

"Harina, your insights are always invaluable, and I'm taking your assessment of Kyle seriously. He's an unknown element in our dynamic, and it's crucial we understand where he stands." Isabella stood from her bed, now pacing around her cabin, almost keeping herself occupied.

"About the current mission, you're right, I am a bit on edge. It's a complicated situation, more intricate than our usual rescues. There are some variables we didn't anticipate, which might be affecting our planning and execution. But we're adapting and re-calibrating as we go," Perry declared.

"Regarding Kyle, let's maintain a cautious but open approach. If you get any more impressions, or he reaches out again, keep me informed. We need to ensure he's not just comfortable, but also understanding of the bigger picture at Brookhaven.... And Harina, if you sense any shift in his demeanor or intentions, I want to be the first to know.

"In the meantime, I'll see if Lockwood can subtly glean more about Kyle's perspective and intentions. This might help us figure out his place in all this and how we can assist him better. As always, thanks for your sharp analysis and for being a pillar in this network. I couldn't do this without you."

The doctor was surprised by the praise. She'd worked with Isabella for several years before it was determined the True family needed to disappear into the system themselves. "Thank you. It's turning out to be ... fun," she said.



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