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Tactician's Gambit

Posted on Tue Nov 14th, 2023 @ 7:20pm by Commander Shannon McKenna & Captain Elena Navarra & Lieutenant Thavishr Th’Firria

1,383 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Secret Spies
Location: Somewhere on Samurai
Timeline: MD 1, 1430

Captain Navarra entered the shuttle and began her pre-check of the shuttle's operating systems. It had been a while since she actually piloted a shuttle herself, but it was something she enjoyed. Usually, she was escorted place to place either by shuttle or starship, preparing for a negotiation or something. But now it was her time.

"Alright, pre-flight check list is complete," she said aloud to herself as she finished the last system diagnostic. While she waited for her First Officer, she pulled out her PADD and started reviewing their target's Starfleet file again.

"Thavishr Th"Firria" She read to herself. She was very curious to meet him and see if he met her First Officer's expectations. She was proud of her Number One's assessment and campaign to get the Andorian on their crew.

When Shannon stepped into the shuttle, she knew she wasn't late, but she hated having her boss already waiting for her. She knew it was part of Navarra's personality to think that, if she were on time, she was actually late, but the XO rarely managed to get there before her boss.

"All set!" she exclaimed, plopping inelegantly into her seat. "I have to admit that Andorians tend to look alike to me until I get to know them, but this one seems more distinguishable, and ... I don't know, perhaps more individual looking? At any rate, I've read over his files all the way back to the Andorian training, and he certainly seems solid. We could do a lot worse, but I don't think we'll find anyone a better fit for us, so I hope he's as good as his record seems to tell ... and that he wants a new posting and rank.

"I know he doesn't really have a choice, if we pull him," she laughed, "how well I know that. Maybe it can be a bonding point if he wants to stay where he is. Why would he, though? He's been there quite a while, and he's due a promotion that we can offer him. Not the same as my story, at all."

As if realizing she might have said something that she shouldn't, she hastily added, "Not that I'm sorry now. I had a chance to think it through, and I'm glad to be a part of this mission ... most of the time. I am not a danger-hunter, and it seems like we are sailing right into the teeth of some mythical dragon. On the other hand, it's a job that has to be done, and I'm staying out of most of it, so ...."

Navarra chuckled. "What do you mean most of the time?" she asked looking over at her friend. "Danger is the name of our business."

"Yes, but it isn't the danger that worries me," Shannon returned. "It's the responsibility." Quickly moving on, she added, "Let's get this task taken care of, and then we can relax with a full bridge crew."


About an hour later, the shuttle craft, M'Benga, approached USS Charleston. Captain Navarra aligned their shuttle alongside Charleston and pressed the comm button on the panel. =^=Shuttle craft M'Benga to USS Charleston, requesting permission to dock.=^=

=^=Shuttle craft M'Benga, welcome. Permission granted. Please approach shuttle bay 2 for docking.=^=

=^=Copy, Charleston. Maneuvering to Bay 2. See you in a few.=^= Navarra masterfully piloted the shuttle into the ordered area and touched down gently. "Well that wasn't so bad a journey," she mentioned while shutting down the small craft.

"You're a good pilot," Shannon agreed. "Now for some excitement!" Navarra and McKenna exited the shuttle and were greeted by the captain of USS Charleston, Mikos Dulap.

"Well if it isn't the renowned Captain Elana Navarra. What's it been? Three years since we've seen one another?" he asked as he extended his arms for a hug from his friend.

Mikos Dulap was a portly man standing at 5'10 with tan skin. His graying hair was well blended in with his jet black hair that made a handsome salt and pepper effect. He was around the same age as Navarra, if not for a couple of years older. Seeing him again, brought fond memories to Elena's mind of their time at Starfleet Academy together.

"Hello, Mikos!" Navarra replied, accepting his embrace. "I hope you have been well since last we saw one another."

Dulap let go of his embrace and held her at arm's length, taking in her visage. "I am doing as well as one can while star hopping in this vast unknown where we find ourselves. Who do we have here?" Mikos asked as he looked over to find McKenna standing a bit behind her captain.

Shannon stepped forward slightly and held out her hand to shake. "Commander Shannon McKenna, XO on Samurai. I've heard good things about you ... and about some of your crew, as well." She grinned up at him. "You may not be so happy to see us after the captain asks some questions and explains what we want. I got a tip from a friend in the Andorian Imperial Guard about one of your crew ... and he sounds like just what we need on Samurai."

"Ahhhhhhhhh, I see Elena!" Dulap said as he hid his bit of annoyance behind his smile."Elena, did you come aboard my ship to poach one of my crew?"

"Noooooo, Mikos!" she said as she grabbed her friend by the elbow and began walking toward the door of the shuttle bay. Elena was used to this very scenario from her time negotiating, and knew Mikos like the back of her hand.

"I think you would know me better than that by now, my friend. I am here to offer a choice. A choice that could alter the future and career of one of your crew," she said as she nuzzled the side of her head into the shoulder of her old friend.

"Ahhhhh, yes. The infamous Navarra choices we have all come to love and hate. And, if I remember correctly, I have been on the wrong side of those choices a time or two." Mikos continued walking as the door opened leading from the bay to the hall of the Sagan class starship.

"Well, Commander McKinnon, could I at least know who you two are trying to steal from me?" Dulap asked.

McKenna laughed and answered, "Well, he does get some say in this, too, of course. It's Lt. Th'Firria. We've heard excellent things about his abilities and talents, from one of my contacts, and he sounds like just what we need for Samurai's bridge crew to be complete."

Captain Dulap tapped the comm badge on his uniform as he walked down the corridor. =^=Lt. Th'Firria, please report to the observation lounge without delay.=^=

Looking up from his PADD with slight annoyance at the interruption, Thavishr looked across from his desk at the Lieutenant. “Seems like my review of these repairs will have to wait. Do not start any work without my prior authorization.”

A terse nod was the reply and Thavishr rose from his seat, tapping his combadge, “Acknowledged, Captain. I am on my way.”

"Mikos, I really appreciate you being so civil about this." Elena said as the group approached the turbolift. "I could see the temperance flair through your smile back there in the shuttlebay."

The captain of U.S.S. Charleston could do nothing but tell the truth to one of his closest friends. "I won't lie to you Elena, I was a bit annoyed that you came here to poach, but I also know that you don't do anything like this unless you have a good reason."

He turned and looked over at Elena after they all entered the turbolift. "You do have a good reason for this, correct?"

"Of course I do! The mission Samurai is about to undertake is taking us to places and situations that I need the best and brightest with us. If what I hear about Th'Firria is true, then I could use him to help bring us home."

"I'm a little curious, Captain Dulap," Shannon smoothly switched the topic. "It seems the Andorian is overdue for promotion. If he's as good as his record looks, why hasn't he already been promoted?"

The captain shrugged. "He's Andorian." He seemed to think that was enough.


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