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The Medical Narrative

Posted on Tue Nov 14th, 2023 @ 7:17pm by Harina True & Kyle Schaffer

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Secret Spies
Location: Brookhaven Clinic
Timeline: MD 1, 1030

Her first day working at the Clinic was off to a good start. Harina had discovered there weren't many medical files. Apparently, Brookhaven either wasn't as old a venture as she'd imagined, or the pediatric part wasn't yet well established ... or maybe both. It made sense, she supposed, if there were others recruited as she had been.

Her family had taken the previous afternoon to move into their new home, and at least Fannie was thrilled with everything about it. Others displayed various levels of enthusiasm, mixed with the hope that no more moves were coming for a while.

"Darlene," the doctor said, coming into the staff area for her two exam rooms, a PADD in hand, head down. "Who was taking care of the children before I arrived?"

She looked up as Darlene cleared her throat. "No one, specifically. I guess that's why you were hired. It fell to whomever had space on the appointment calendar."

"Oh," True dropped her hands to her sides. "I guess that explains the lack of records, then." After another moment of thought, she asked, "How did you get involved in this process?"

The medical assistant grinned. "Applied for the job. I was tired of sitting around playing newly-wed housewife. Which reminds me that you have an interesting appointment coming up in," she glanced at her computer timer, "fifteen minutes. A Kyle Schaffer seems to think he's supposed to see you. He certainly looked like an adult to me, and he said he had no children. Seemed to think it was odd I'd asked, but definitely insisted he was supposed to see 'Dr. Harina True'."

The doctor's brow furrowed. "That name rings a bell, but I can't think of why. Well, send him back when he shows up, and we'll find out what he needs. Meanwhile, I'll be setting up some kind of file system to get children sorted out."

Lifting the PADD back up for further examination, Harina tried to think about the most logical way to start a system from nothing. She'd never had that option before, and she wandered back into her own office, pondering the problem.

As Kyle approached his destination, his pace was planned and methodical. He was observing both the places and people he walked past, not only future reference but also to do whatever necessary to delay his meeting. Kyle had an appointment with the second of two individuals he was instructed to meet upon his arrival. He assumed these two were picked due to their professions of real estate and medicine respectively.

While Kyle acknowledged the necessity of both meetings, he imagined the first one would be the most beneficial. Based on the tour he gave Kyle yesterday and his knowledge of Brookhaven, Antony would undoubtedly prove to be an invaluable resource moving forward. His upcoming meeting with Dr. True felt more like a standard Starfleet physical when starting a new assignment followed by limited interaction moving forward. Nevertheless, having a physical on file and establishing a relationship with the town physician seemed like pills Kyle had to swallow sooner than later.

He was coming to terms with the situation as he approached the entrance to the Brookhaven Clinic. It was an unassuming building, with the Federation standard symbol for medical on the entry doors.

Walking through them, Kyle spotted a staff member, “Good morning. Excuse me, I have an appointment with Dr. True. Do you mind pointing me in the right direction?”

The harried-looking individual nodded his head to the right. "Down that hallway, turn right where the double doors are, and go through into her part of the clinic." Then he hurried on, leaving the unknown man to find his own way.

Darlene looked up as the doors to Dr. True's offices glided to one side. Seeing the man to whom she had spoken only minutes before, she smiled. "You found us, I see. I'll need your ID number, and the purpose for your visit." Her hands were poised over a color-coded keyboard, and as she waited, she had the fleeting thought that it would be almost magic if her thoughts could connect directly to the computer interface.

At first Kyle gave a confused glance at the first question until he thought back to when he first was set up with his residence, “Hi. And right. It’s…873561 if I remember correctly. Sorry. Still trying to commit that to memory. And my purpose is to meet Dr. True for what I assume is a physical upon arrival to Brookhaven,” shrugging, “But I wasn’t given much information when I got here yesterday.”

Darlene stared at the man for a minute. He thought he was here for a physical? Well, he's in for a surprise! she thought. Now how do I give him THAT news?

"Ah, so you don't have any children with you today?" she asked to be sure of the facts.

Kyle’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “Why is everyone here asking me that? No children with me. I’m the new Chief of Police who just blew into town and it was suggested I meet with Dr. True when I got settled in.” He paused, “I’m getting the impression that meeting her for my physical was an incorrect assumption on my part?”

"Well, yes. She set aside some time for you when you called, but Dr. True is a pediatrician and handles the health of our children here. She's just settling into the practice, and we're a little confused about you, but I'm going to give you the appointment set aside for you, and you two can work out the details of what's going on." Darlene smiled at him, still a little amused.

He felt his face reddened as he attempted to think of any response that would save face. Finding none, Kyle gave a defeated shrug and grinned, “Well, then. I really don’t know what to say, except I’m sorry for wasting your time. I assume you’re very busy and I would feel terrible taking an appointment time from a child. I can get in touch with her another time.”

"Oh, no. She set aside the time for you. You need to keep the appointment," Darlene said with disapproval evident.

The swinging door that led back to the exam rooms and Harina's office pushed outward. "Darlene, did that ..." she broke off, seeing the man in front of her assistant's desk.

"Oh, you must be the new police chief," she said, holding out her hand to shake. "Thanks for being so prompt." Dropping his hand she nodded at the door she'd just come through. "Come on back and we'll have a short chat.

Still unsure of what exactly was happening, Kyle simply nodded at both of them and followed the Doctor back into her office.


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