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Loyalty Oath

Posted on Mon Sep 25th, 2023 @ 5:08pm by Commander Riko McCord & Podkayne Mars & Captain Isabella Perry

961 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: WV Nomad, Bridge
Timeline: MD 6, 12:50

Isabella began her briefing with Nemis with McCord present and making a few notes. "Look, I want full transparency between us, so, although I know Verrana isn't going to like this, I am going to tell this story even though it is highly classified."

Verrana raised her head to stare at Isabella. Hearing Isabella's words made her start physically shaking. "Isabella, no!" she said with a horrified voice.

Isabella raised her hand which silenced her friend. "No, we need to do this to establish the trust that is going to be needed for this mission to be a success. I know this won't give instant trust, but the foundation of that trust needs to be truth and understanding."

Isabella looked over at Riko and placed her full attention on her friend. She was surprised to find herself nervous, maybe as nervous as Verrana was. Besides her initial report to Starfleet Command, this was the first time she had told another soul this story. Even she and Verrana had never talked about these things in any detail. There was an understanding between them, an understanding that she was grateful for.

Isabella began slowly. "A few years back, I was assigned by Starfleet Intelligence to assist an asset in the Romulan Star Empire with the defection process." Isabella looked to Verrana who looked as if she might have a panic attack. The intelligence officer walked behind the newest crew member and placed her hands on Verranna's shoulders, easing the tension in her friend, then continued.

"That is where I met Verrana. Together we devised her defection plan, but we needed something that would make the plan seem more solid, more believable. So, we decided that getting married was our best bet to make things as authentic as possible. We found a Romulan priestess and had an official ceremony. The wedding went off without a hitch until the night we were supposed to take transport off of Romulus. The Tal-Shiar received some information from an unknown source about our plans. They broke into our room the night of our extraction and attacked us. That is when Verrana was taken."

Underneath Isabella's hands, she felt Verrana trembling. Keeping her own tears silent and on the inside. Isabella again squeezed her shoulders in support.

"I spent the next few days searching for Verrana and looking behind my back. I knew what they would do to me if they captured a Starfleet spy, but I could only imagine what they would do to Verrana to get that information. I searched everywhere to find where they held her. Three days later, she wandered back into our room and passed out on the floor. Beaten and bruised."

Isabella walked in front of Verrana and squatted so that they were face to face. "Please show her," Isabella asked Verrana in a quiet whisper.

Verranna slowly and quietly stood up to make direct eye contact with Riko, showing less emotion than the follower of Elvis could recall every seeing on her face. Turning her back to Riko, she lifted her shirt, exposing a back filled with burn marks, keloid scars that ran the length of her skin, and patches of flesh that had been removed and medically treated.

Riko had expected nothing like what she saw, had never seen anything so cruel and barbaric. A quick intake of air was all that escaped her, but it changed something about how she viewed the woman.

"For three days, Verrana was tortured," Perry continued. "She was tortured specifically for information about me, but she never gave me up. She actually kept me safe, and for that I will ever be grateful," Isabella said.

Drawing in another sharp breath, Riko held it,then let it out slowly. "That tells me everything I need to know," she said, holding out her hand as Nemis turned toward her. "Welcome aboard."

Verrana sheepishly pulled her shirt down and saw Riko with her hand extended. She shook it quickly and let go, more out of embarrassment at the truth that had been told.

"I haven't accepted anything yet!" Verrana said with a bit scorn in her voice.

"Oh yes!" Isabella said as she chuckled. "You will be paid in Gold Pressed Latinum, at a rate we will discuss later." She reached into her pocket and pulled out something similar to an Isolinear chip and handed it over to Verrana.

"Consider this to be your honorarium for coming to this meeting. I hope you choose to come along with us. I could really use you here." Isabella reached out and gave her friend a hug to try to ease some of the emotional tension she had raised. Verrana stood in the embrace and savored it. She didn't have too many friends in the galaxy, but Isabella was definitely on that shortlist.

"I'm in," she said, letting go of Isabella.

"Then this is for you." Isabella reached under the table and pulled out a wooden box, placing it on the table. Verrana walked over to the box and opened it. Inside she found a Gold Pressed Latinum bracelet, signature marker of a Nomad crew member.

"Riko can go over everything with you about the bracelet," Isabella stated. "She will also get you squared with your quarters and whatever gear you need. Make a list and give it to her. I'll take care of the rest." The captain turned to walk toward the door, but stopped to look back at her first rescued victim.

"Verrana," she said. "I promise you will make money on this mission. So, there will be no need for any side hustles while we are out there in the abyss."

The Romulan smiled. "Well, my lovely wife, a girl has to prepare for the future, doesn't she?"


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