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Mutual Friends

Posted on Fri Oct 6th, 2023 @ 12:03am by Commander Riko McCord & Harina True & Captain Isabella Perry & Kyle Schaffer

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: Brookhaven
Timeline: MD 6, 1130

Antony pointed to a villa that was on the mountainside and showed a vineyard in the front. "Actually that is her villa she purchased from me a long time ago. This was before she led more people here."

The realtor thought a moment before he asked his next question, wanting to be sure to respect Kyle's privacy.

"I take it she helped square something away for you, as well, before you came?" Lockwood asked as discreetly as possible.

Kyle instinctively raised an eyebrow which he sure Lockwood picked up on. Perry had certainly alluded to other … situations … like his, but he didn’t have much time to think on it. Perhaps he shared more with people here than he realized.

Realizing his response was delayed long enough, Kyle answered, “I’m not sure if ‘square something away’ is the correct phrase in my circumstances, but she definitely helped me out in a time of need.” He paused to feel Lockwood out as he was sure Antony was with him. Kyle asked, “Is that scenario a common occurrence around here?”

"Well ..." Antony started to say but then paused to think of a suitable answer. "Let's just say that a few of the residents here are thankful for our mutual friend."

Then he changed the subject. "So Chief, tell me a little about yourself. It has been a while since we've had Chief of Police," Antony asked while they continued down the street.

The man seemed to have an inherent disarming sense about him that Kyle felt he could trust. Nevertheless, his instincts had been wrong before and he wasn’t about to overshare with anything that might be used against him at a later date.

Kyle responded, “Not much to tell really. Standard human who grew up on Earth, likes a good book and some whiskey, and was itching to get into space,” pausing to look around, “and apparently end up here. But let’s circle back to that Chief of Police comment. Define a while. That sounds a bit ominous unless the town is truly a crime free utopia which in my experience, there’s no such thing.”

"We are a relatively crime free community," Antony said as they continued walking down the sidewalk. "The most crime we've had has been kids being kids. The occasional drunk and disruptiveness. My fear is that, as this community grows, there will be more people who start coming to our little corner of the galaxy, and they won't have the same 'it takes a village' mentality."

Antony turned a corner on the street and brought Kyle in front of a beautiful two-story home with luscious windows adorning the front of the residence. It was painted a light blue and generously proportioned. He stopped and faced his new friend.

"If any real trouble were to come here, there are underground tunnels that Isabella has turned into escape routes for everyone. She called it ..." Antony paused as he tried to recall the proper phrase that she used. "Ah yes, 'forward thinking' was what she said."

The Realtor reached into his pocket and pulled out an old fashioned key and placed it in Kyle's hand. "Here you go, my friend. This is you!"

The Police Chief raised an eyebrow at the key. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve seen one of these since I was a kid. Thanks for the walking tour.” Making a mental note to do some independent investigating on those underground tunnels, Kyle added, “A person like yourself doesn’t happen to have a handy map of the full town by chance? I’d like to fill in some of the gaps as well as actually finding my place of work.”

"Sure thing, Chief Schaffer. I will have my secretary send you a data stick with the maps," Antony responded with a smile on his face. "Shall we go in and take a look at your new home?"

“Much appreciated,” Kyle responded as they both crossed the threshold into the home. As he took in his new residence, he was surprised at the size. It was a bit larger than he anticipated with an open space concept feel. The few doors, he assumed, either led to a sleeping area or restroom. The furniture was less modern than he was accustomed to on a Federation starship, but somehow he felt that suited him. As they took a few steps in from the entrance and moved into the living room, Kyle spotted a few PADDs already on his coffee table.

He glanced down and motioned to them, “I assume these will be helpful in giving me the rundown of the details of the home?”

"That and a few other tidbits about the village that you may want to know," Antony replied as he checked on one of the vases in the corner that appeared to have a crack in it. "I'll get this replaced for you," he promised.

"I tell you what Chief," Lockwood said making his way back to the front of the home. "Let's you and I meet for lunch tomorrow, and I will answer any question you have. But for now, welcome to your new home. Explore it a little bit. Make sure to read the schematics on the PADD. I think you will find some ... interesting things that have been installed. And one more thing. Welcome to our little village. We have a few characters here with strong personalities, but for the most part, they are all good people. Give them a chance to get to know you, and you them. Everything else will fall in place."

Antony walked through the entrance of the home and onto the street. Looking back at his new friend, he threw his hand up and began the short walk to his own home.


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