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Change of Station

Posted on Mon Jul 17th, 2023 @ 8:02am by Commander Shannon McKenna & Lieutenant JG Matthew Cowley & Captain Elena Navarra
Edited on on Mon Jul 17th, 2023 @ 9:02am

1,424 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: SB109 Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2, 0930

Captain Navarra sat at her desk going over personnel profiles for Samurai's new crew. She was impressed with the quality of officers Starfleet was sending to her. She finished with one file and moved on to the next when she heard loud voices coming from outside her door. She looked up toward the door and tried to discern to whom the voices belonged.

"I'm sorry, Commander, but Captain Navarra is currently engaged, and I can't allow you to enter her office," Matthew told the woman in front of his desk. He meant it, too. He knew her history and that she'd been pulled from a plum assignment she'd really wanted.

"I'm sure," McKenna muttered, "ruining someone else's life and dreams, now that mine are finished."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Shannon faced down the nervy young Lieutenant JG. "I'm sure she has time for her new Executive Officer," she said, firmly insistent.

Elena pressed the comm button her desk. "Is everything O.K. out there, Lieutenant?" she asked, wondering if she could diffuse the situation.

"Yes, Ma'am. You have a visitor ... Commander McKenna," he told her, watching the young officer's face. "I did tell her you were busy."

McKenna's facial expression didn't change, but her mind was working furiously behind the blank mask. What could she do to get out of this?

"Oh, good. I am glad my new XO is here," Navarra said. "Please, send her right in, Lieutenant, thank you."

Cowley merely nodded toward the door, as McKenna was already headed that direction, her PADD with orders clutched in her fist. She stopped just short of the door, pulled her shoulders back and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Looking over her shoulder, she said, "Thank you, Lieutenant. It seems we may get to know each other well."

Opening the door, Shannon stepped inside, resisting the urge to salute, since they were indoors. Still, the reputation of Captain Navarra was enough to intimidate most people. She remembered the first time she'd talked to this woman, and knew she had to have more control now than she'd had as a younger officer. There was a reason Captain Navarra had ruined her career path. Maybe she should listen to what it was before she did something completely foolish.

"Ahhhh, Commander McKenna!" Elena said as she stood to greet her new Executive Officer. "Please, come in and have a seat," the captain said as she motioned towards one of the seats in the office. "Can I offer you something to drink?"

Elena smiled as she stood there studying McKenna. She had to admit, McKenna looked different from the last time she saw her at the Academy. Not just her looks, but Elena could tell that the woman in front of her had gotten some experience under her belt. True, Elena had been keeping tabs on her over the years, but Shannon looked like a woman who knew what she wanted, and had high expectations of herself. And that, Elena liked.

"Thank you, Ma'am, but no, I'm fine." The commander took the seat to the left and placed her PADD on her lap. She didn't wear the pants uniform on board a ship, but her skirt seemed a bit longer than others who wore that style of uniform. "I hope you have a few minutes to discuss some things with me, Captain." Like why in the planetary universe you kidnapped me from the life I was just reaching toward. Knowing those words could never cross her lips, she simply firmed her back against the chair and waited for her captain to be seated.

Navarra made her way over to the seat beside Shannon and took it. "Well, Commander, I guess the main question you would like answered is why you were pulled from your position aboard USS Durham. Am I correct?"

Shannon merely nodded, not trusting herself to say more.

"Do you remember when we first met, all those years ago after my speech at Starfleet Academy?" Elena asked asked as she fondly played the memory back again in her mind.

A faint blush touched McKenna's cheeks. "I remember. I told you every Starfleet General Order you violated during that mission, and how to make sure those violations didn't happen again, and the mission could still be completed. Not one of my more ... diplomatic memories. It's one reason my orders surprised me."

"Well, you left quite an impression on me that day, Shannon. To the point where I have been keeping tabs on your career." Elena stood and began walking around the seats in her office. "See, Shannon, not only did you tell me everything I did wrong ... but you brought real, viable solutions to me that would have completed the mission. It was then that I thought to myself, 'If she keeps this attitude and tenacity though her career, 1. She will make a few people mad, but more importantly, 2. She will make a good First officer."

Elena paused and looked at McKenna to see if she was absorbing her words. "It was then, Shannon, that I realized, when I am in command of my own starship, I want a first officer who will not be afraid to speak her mind, even when I am wrong."

McKenna was nonplussed. "You ... I don't even know what to do with that information. I have no experience except the last few weeks in what it means to be second in command. I have no idea how I'll respond under pressure, or even in a dangerous situation, a battle ... anything. In a few years, yes, I'll have all that experience on Durham. Right now, I don't even know if I lean more toward tactical and security or science and engineering. I don't see how I can possibly be an asset! And you're a diplomat, not security or engineering ... so where does that leave us?"

"Actually, I think it leaves us in a position covering all areas," Elena responded. " I am very familiar with your love for engineering and security. You know, there are other options than choosing one discipline. Choose both. I'll support whatever you want to do, Shannon.

Navarra could see the wheels turning in McKenna's mind. "Look, I know you are a newly promoted Commander and have a lot to learn. I am willing to mentor you as long as you keep that same drive you showed me all those years ago. For that, it matters not the discipline you choose."

Navarra made her way back to the chairs and sat directly in front of McKenna. "Also, don't think because I am a diplomat, that I don't know a thing about security. Do you think I haven't learned anything from all my years of conducting classified negotiations for Starfleet and other unnamed parties in the galaxy? I promise, I am not just another pretty face. I got you transferred here without a hitch, didn't I?"

McKenna hadn't known what it took to change her career path, but it sounded like whatever was needed, Navarra had it ... including influence. That could come in handy, she mused.

Elena gave a wry smile. "Plus, there is a very promising Omega-Level classified mission that was assigned to Samurai, and I think you will be very interested in it."

"Classified? I hear diplomacy, I hear security, I hear engineering ... and now classified. Are we involved with intelligence matters? That would certainly be a new field for me, at least." Shannon's mind was spinning in all directions, and she tried to pull first one string, and then another, to get some order going.

"It doesn't sound like I have any choice. Everything is a done deal as far as my transfer over to ... Samurai? Which means I've been given the clearances I need to be read in on our mission. So, ... when and where and what is next?"

"Oh, Shannon" Navarra said with a sigh and some compassion in her voice. "If you would truly like to be re-assigned to Durham, I can make it happen." Navarra inched closer to her, hopefully willing, Commander. "But what I can promise you is, if you do go back, you will always wonder how it would have worked out with a Captain who hand picked you over all other Starfleet Commanders to be her right hand at the tip of the sword."

Navarra stood again and walked over to her desk and took a seat. "I want you to want this before I read you in on our mission."


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