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Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 6:53am by Captain Elena Navarra & Commander Henry Perry
Edited on on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 6:58am

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: Samurai, Engineering
Timeline: MD 3, 0830

The captain walked into the empty Engineering area aboard Samurai and marveled at the warp core. She always found the hum of a warp core to be soothing to her soul. She made her way over to the warp core and touched the matter/antimatter reaction assembly, surprised to see that it was cold to her touch.

"Captain?" a voice called out behind her, almost startling her. Elena turned to find Samurai's current Chief Engineer walking from behind one of the alcoves in the room.

"Is there something I can help you with?" he asked as he wiped some grease from his forehead with his handy PADD in hand.

Navarra took her hand off the matter/antimatter reaction assembly and made her way to the officer. "Commander Perry, have you received your orders from Admiral Nechayev regarding Samurai and its new undertaking?"

Henry answered the Captain by waving the PADD in the air. "Got the orders right here, ma'am. I am to serve as Samurai's Chief Engineer for the time being, until her official Chief Engineer gets caught up to speed with the experimental upgrades I have installed. Then I will be aboard to manage and maintain the upgrades and install the new ones Starfleet and I decide are paramount."

Navarra smiled and turned back to look at the Warp Core again. "I take it these upgrades will be discussed with me before installation, as a courtesy?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Ma'am?" he responded as he made his way to stand beside her.

She forestalled his further questions. "I know that Samurai was assigned to you for the very reason of testing experimental systems and weaponry for the Federation. I mean, that is why you were given exclusive say-so over Samurai's refit after your ..." Elena wanted to be very careful with her choice of words. She knew the toll that Samurai's last battle had on him and other crew members. She knew the fact that so many of the crew didn't make it home haunted him at times.

"After your last mission," she decided to say.

"Captain, Samurai is your ship, ma'am. I will always discuss any upgrade that Starfleet Command or I want to do as live trials with you and let you have the final say. I can handle Starfleet Command and taper their desires."

Henry paused for a second, looking over at the Captain. He walked in front of her, so that he could look her in the eyes. "The safety of everyone on this ship is one of my utmost priorities."

Navarra smiled at Henry's sincerity, her heart relieved at his openness. "Thank you, Commander," she said. "And your other orders?"

"Yes, to update and upgrade WV Nomad when she comes aboard Samurai, especially since I built her."

"I guess this is also a good way to keep a little bit of an eye on your sister as well," Elena smiled, looking at the engineer.

"Oh, most definitely," Henry laughed. "I know she doesn't need me out there. That's her world. You know, the super spy stuff with the lies and the secrets. I do my part behind the scenes, making sure her equipment will bring her back to me when the time comes."

"Speaking of equipment..." Henry said as he turned and began walking to the turbolift. He nodded for Navarra to follow him.

"I was able to make the requested upgrades to your ready room," Perry said with a bit of giddy excitement in his voice. "Your exterior wall is a large window that has display inputs on it. It will be like the screen in your old office."

"Thank you for that, Henry. You don't know how much that means to me," Navarra said. She had instantly fallen in love with the wall-sized screen in her old office, only for the fact that she could make the image on the screen that of the space directly outside of the Starbase. That view alone was able to help her de-stress and better focus her energies.

The two entered the lift together. "Bridge," Henry commanded of the computer. It whirred to life and headed to their requested destination.

"Samurai is almost done being prepped and will be ready for launch within the next few days, Captain. Here is a report of all systems and experimental systems on the ship at the moment." Henry handed her the PADD he was working on earlier. "Let me know if you have any questions about any of the systems we have on board."

The lift came to a stop and the doors whooshed opened. Henry exited with Navarra following behind. Again, she marveled at the bridge of Samurai. She didn't think she would ever get used to it. The two entered her ready room and Navarra stopped dead in her tracks. The wall-sized window opposite of her desk was everything she'd wanted. It gave her a clear sight of space from her desk, and she didn't even know how Henry accomplished that feat. If there was one thing she'd learned about Starfleet engineers, though, it was that once you gave them a task, there was nothing that could stop their determination to see it through.

"Henry, you have outdone yourself," Navarra said as she made her way over to the desk and sat down, looking out of the window.

With a smile and shake of his head, knowing he'd lost her to the view, Henry backed out of Navarra's Ready Room and headed toward his next task of getting the new Commander's office up to snuff.


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