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Intel Nexus

Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 6:55am by Commander Shannon McKenna & Lieutenant JG Matthew Cowley & Captain Elena Navarra & Ensign Tristi Alohalani & Commander Henry Perry

1,487 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Rescue
Location: Samurai: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD 5, 0730

Elena grabbed the eggs from the countertop and cracked them on the side of her bowl. This was one of her favorite parts of being Captain. She always wanted to have a Captain's breakfast for her seniors once a week. Having cracked the eggs, she poured the yoke in the bowl and added her seasonings. "Computer, play Otis Redding, "These Arms of Mine," she said as she began to whisk her eggs.

=^= Acknowledged =^=

As the music started, Elena closed her eyes and started singing along with Otis, continuing to whisk away. She heard the door chime to her quarters.

Matthew looked at the XO. Even though they'd arrived at the door together, after coming up on the turbolift at the same time, he didn't know her yet and was curious. She stared at the door, not sharing a glance with him. Okaaay, he thought. I guess we're going to do this the hard way. I hope it's my position as yeoman, and not me personally.

Staring at the door of the captain's quarters, Shannon resisted the temptation to peek at the man who'd come up the 'lift with her. She'd met him before, she'd read his personnel file ... which was interesting ... and she was curious about him. Not for anything would she give that interest away, however. She thought that might be part of diplomatic success ... not giving away your thoughts. She'd find a legitimate reason to get to know him better at some point, maybe on one of those away missions Captain Navarra had mentioned.

"Enter!" Navarra yelled over the music as she poured her eggs onto the griddle.

At the sound of a voice, Shannon did glance at the man next to her. "That sounded like the captain. Do you suppose she said we should come in?"

Grinning his best, Cowley let his sense of humor take over. "Either that, or someone has tied her up and she is calling for help."

Surprised into a laugh, McKenna shook her head and put her hand out to test the door. It automatically slid open and she nodded her head once. "I guess that gives us the answer," and she stepped through.

At least I know she has a sense of humor. She's going to need it, the new LTJG thought, following her across the threshold and toward where they could see Navarra standing in front of some kind of cooking surface. He wasn't a cook, and didn't know what it was called, but he didn't think it was standard equipment, even in a ship captain's quarters.

"You're actually cooking?" a comment was surprised out of Matthew.

Elena stopped cooking the eggs over the griddle and stared at Cowley with a scowl. "I'm not sure how I am supposed to take that, Matthew, as a insult or pure shock." She gave a quick grin after since she couldn't contain it.

"OK, McKenna, come cut up these strawberries, and Matthew you're in charge of making the toast," Navarra ordered as she tossed her colleagues aprons.

Cowley caught his apron, and looked at it with a puzzled frown. "What do I do with this?" he asked. "And how does someone make toast without using the replicator?"

"Take your time and figure it out. You are a resourceful young man. Let's see what you come up with." she said as she scrambled the eggs.

The door to the captain's quarters slid open again as Henry walked in with two bags of oranges in hand. "O.K. Here comes my world famous homemade orange juice." he said as he placed the bags on a counter top. He looked up to see a fresh face among the others. "Ahhh, you must be the infamous Commander McKenna." He reached out a hand to her as part of his welcome. "I hear the captain pulled some strings and yanked you from another assignment. You must be pretty special then."

"Special? I don't think so," Shannon shook his hand, recognizing him from the personnel file she'd read ... a truncated file, no doubt.

"Just your average confused new officer on her first full day at work. But you, I've heard you are pretty special, known far and wide as both an idea man and a fix-it man. I'll be by Engineering as often as I can to pick your brain," she promised, tying the apron around her middle.

"Ohhh, an engineer at heart huh?" he said. He exaggeratedly mouthed, "I like this one," to Navarra, making sure Shannon saw the action. "So how does an engineer become a first officer for one of the fleet's most advanced vessels?"

"Ha! Ask your boss that one. Kidnapping comes to mind," Shannon grinned. "Or maybe this is a hostage negotiation. Whatever it is, I like the idea of feeding the prisoner first."

Matthew didn't feel at all inventive, but he did see what Shannon did with the apron, and she seemed to know her way around as she picked up a knife and began to lay strawberries out on a wooden board and slice the green part off. Tying his own piece of cloth around him, he looked at the counters and saw a big plate with pieces of bread on it. How could he toast it? He didn't see another griddle ... but he did finally spy a replicator. Shrugging, he decided he'd ignore the plate and punch in his favorite spicy Italian sourdough toast recipe ... maybe extra spicy this morning? Grinning, he proceeded to do just that.

Tristi had no idea why she'd been invited to the captain's breakfast as she was just a lowly botanist, but when the captain invites you, you go. And, if you come from a colony of people who trace their heritage back to polynesia on earth, you bring food, and plenty of it. As it was casual--or so she supposed--she chose to wear a blue muumuu with hibiscus flowers on it. In her hands she carried a large bowl filled with fruit kabobs. When she pushed the door chime with her shoulder, the door opened. Taking a deep breath, she walked in and smiled.

Elena looked up as soon as she heard the door to her quarters open again. It warmed her heart to see that Tristi had accepted her invitation for breakfast. She immediately put down the plate with the eggs and went over to help her with the items she had in hand.

If I'd known it was so informal, I'd have brought something and not been stuck with this toast thing, Matthew thought.

"I am so glad you could make it, Tristi. Have you moved all of your gear to Samurai yet?" Elena asked as she took the bowl from the science officer.

"I have, thank you." Tristi gave the captain a bright smile. "I got that done first so I could focus on more important things--like plants." She knew that would take up most of her time and she didn't like going back to a room that didn't feel a bit like home.

"Well come on in and and see if Matthew needs help with the bread." Elena said as she looked at everyone working on their particular project. "We should have everything ready in a few tics." Elena made her way back to her dish and started putting pieces of bacon and sausage on the griddle.

"Shannon, are you all done with the fruit?" The Captain asked, looking over to her right hand.

"Just about," the XO replied. Laughing, she added, "I don't know who you think is eating all this, unless you've invited a Marine company. Believe me, this would be just about right for them, but there must be more people coming this morning. Now, if each of them brings a bowl of something ... we're going to have to stop at a planet with a famine and give away a lot of food."

Cowley looked hopefully at the science officer he hadn't met yet. "You know about this toast stuff?" he asked her.

Tristi smiled. "Yes. What kind of toast are you making?" From the expression on his face, she wasn't sure if he could answer that question. "Or should I ask, what is the toast for? There are a number of ways to prepare toast."

"There's toast stuff?" Cowley held his hands up and backed up a step. "I'm a replicator guy myself ... I just ask it for toast, if I want some. I guess it's for ... breakfast?" He wasn't at all sure of anything at this point. "Feel free to take over ... or tell me what to do." He knew which one he preferred!

"Yes. There's cinnamon toast, deep-fried toast, french toast..." Tristi grinned. "If this is just for breakfast, we can give them a few varieties." She looked over what he had in front of him.

"It's just ... buttered," Cowley said, embarrassed.


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